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Trainer Sandy Thomson blames protesters for horse’s death at the Grand National

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Trainer Sandy Thomson has blamed animal rights protesters for the fatal fall of Hill Sixteen in the Grand National.

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  1. i like horseracing , personally not to keen on the Grand National because the fences are too high and the number of horses running but blaming these protesters for the death of the 2 horses is absurd in my opinion.

  2. Well sometimes you got to jump hurdles for the cause but some of those protesters aren’t stable people 😬

  3. Protesters 100 % to blame for the deaths. They should be prosecuted and jailed as an example to other unemployed hippies

  4. The protesters didn't make the horses race or jump over fences way too tall for them at huge speeds, whipping them!!

    You're the problem, not the protesters.

  5. Absolutely IDIOTIC is what those protesters are trying to "save" animals yet throwing ladders at police

  6. No the blame lies with horrible people like him who enslave animals for human entertainment

  7. I don't think this kind of rhetoric from either side of this argument is very helpful. The racing community have an increased responsibility to educate the general public, it's not just about the horses' care, it is very easy to say they are very well looked after, but there is so much more to it than that. For instance, I only just learnt how horse physiology is very different to human physiology. It is a cruelty to confine them for their lives, so you can never truly prevent injury in a humane way, it can happen at any time, whether in a field or in a race. The nature of injuries is very different to a human as well. And then there is recovery to consider – forcing them to lie down or stand on 3 legs results in other excruciatingly painful conditions, and the infection risk is off the chart. There are vets at every racing meet, has anyone asked them what they think? All I'm saying is cooperation is better for the horses overall. Making racing safer is not beyond the realms of possibility. Kneejerk reaction can often have unforeseen consequences, perhaps greater suffering for horses overall. Both sides need to question themselves.

  8. Horse racing absolutely needs to stop. I don’t see the overall benefit. Horse die, and all it does is fuel gambling addictions, it should be put out to pasture at this point (pun intended)

  9. Stop blaming other people yous people know who's to blame. Money money money. Greedy people there not in for the benefit of the horses just money end all be all. 🤑🤑🤑

  10. Of course! Because no horses have ever died at a grand national.
    Oh wait, no my mistake, that’s absolute 🐎 💩


  12. Typical middle class pompas prat…..blame others for your failings.

  13. Trying to offload their guilt and justify what they are doing more like by blaming others.

  14. Have you seen the people involved with horse racing,the trainers etc they're all inbred… and what is a 'honest horse '? 🤣 ffs . What a set of arseholes them people are …

  15. If it was obvious the horse was upset by protests why did trainer make it run anyway?
    The thing that killed the horse was the jumps not the protests

  16. If the horse wasn't in a fit state to run then it should not have been sent off around the Grand National course. A Trainer must know when to make the right call and on this occasion, it was the wrong one. Trainer error is to blame, no one else. Very sad indeed.

  17. id also blame the clowns for the women who was killed by the two horses who stamped all over her.. just another bunch of irrelevent clowns that dont wanna fight for something relevent just something that they will never change

  18. Sandy Thomson you are a complete and utter – – – -, the protesters had nothing at all to do with the death of your horse, you just wanted to get a last hurrah before you sold him to the knackers yard, you are a absolute disgrace as a human being.

  19. he talks like its a 'right' , its a privilege mate or everyone would be racing horses .

  20. So many people are clueless the blame lies with the protesters, horses who had never fallen in the careers chasing were brought or fell down on Saturday if the race went of on time Hill Sixteen would still have its life. The Horse had been to Aintree twice over the National fences and finished 2nd and 7th in big fields the horse was a very safe jumper, the horse getting working up by the delay has caused its death. If you want to protest peacefully about the race do it outside the course, if you like it our not the protesters on Saturday played a massive part in the huge amount of fallers. Longhouse Poet,Anysecondnow,Delta Work,Mr Incredible,Cloudy Glen,Galvin,Diol Ker,Darraso. All horses who were brought down or badly hampered., all horses know for being good jumpers and all had a chance of winning the race not just jumping round. I'm devastated for Sandy Thomson and Hill Sixteen, there needs to be talks between the protesters and BHA, going forward what happend on Saturday with people running on the course can never happen again.

  21. Protesters didn't protest enough to stop him being killed, so it's their fault!

  22. The trainer's to blame why did the jockeys go hell for leather to the first fence make it look they were in a 5 furlong sprint so stupid it was

  23. 😂😂😂 that guy is one hell of a comedian 😂😂😂😂

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