The TOP 3 Hybrid Mistakes You Seriously MUST AVOID!

Are your hybrid shots falling short of your expectations? In this video, we dive into the top 3 hybrid mistakes you seriously must avoid when using your hybrid on the golf course. Whether you’re looking to achieve solid, straight shots or improve your overall ball striking, these key insights can transform your hybrid play from liability to asset.

1. Discover the optimal ball position in your stance that ensures consistent strikes and better ball flight for hybrid shots…
2. Understand the problem of trying too hard to make contact with the ball and turf with a simple practice swing technique to guide your approach.
3. Finally, your club’s setup at the address, with a great method to position your hands and the club correctly for improved direction, ball flight, and strike quality.

Plus, stick around for a bonus tip that highlights the importance of considering course conditions in your club selection.

Elevate your hybrid game by avoiding these common pitfalls and watch as your shots become more consistent and effective. Make sure to check out the related video for further insights into optimising your club selection. Don’t let these mistakes hold you back from mastering your hybrid shots and taking your game to the next level!
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1 Comment

  1. Harry, since becoming a "senior" golfer, I have converted my 3, 4, 5 irons to hybrids. I have learned how to hit them and now rely on them quite a bit in a round of golf, especially from tough lies. My set up is as you demonstrated with ball position and my hand position is just inside my left thigh. As always Harry, good job!

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