Golf Players

I Gained 56 Yards In A Single Lesson With The Worlds Best Long Drive Coach


Ultimate Guide To Rotation In The Downswing

Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

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  1. This is awesome man! I've been thinking about this lately in regards to the driver. Appreciate your content as always.

  2. I'm so confused pal. I've had 5 different lessons now. Each time something different. The last one earlier this week said to put my hands behind the ball lol….because I over rotate my hips and shoulders and create too much lag in the club. He said I do the opposite of everyone else where they use the hands and arms too much, so now I'm trying to throw the club down and turn less :O

    Feck, about to give up I think.

  3. Man I'm having the same issue! I've been hitting 4000 spin rate with 2 degree up attack angle and even with 157 ball speed I normally hit 260 but I should be hitting 280 at least if with 2000 spin rate. I had to flick my wrist like what you did at the start of the video to hit better cuz I always hear people say that club go ahead of hands! Your video seems like a really good tip and I'll give it a try tomorrow at the range. Solid content.

  4. Great content thank you. I am a little confused as you seem to just turn your left hip to start downswing without getting weight onto your left side? Is it because it’s a driver swing and not an iron swing?

  5. @jchowngolf I can really see that first drill keeping the hands too far in front of the club easily causing a ton of blocked driver shots out to the Right for people not releasing the Driver correctly with the feel the impact bag is giving you. That type of Lag feeling is more for iron shots, right? Too much of that with Driver could lead to big ole’ Blocks.

  6. I agree 100% with this! I would suggest to any you must have a device like prgr with your speed training. You can not progress with out measuring it. I always thought i was one swing thought from 300yrds. The prgr showed me i was 20mph away from 300yrd! When swinging at 90mph reality kicks in. Speed training will change your swing and you will go from 90 to 100mph plus!

  7. Senior golf swings can use this if:
    Backs hold up, balance, neuropathy, & hips handle the stress, spending weeks to train can happen! Seniors would be low hanging fruit in going deeper off tee!

  8. What helped me alot with the problem off added loft/spin to my drives was forward pressing the hands at address quite similar to the position they wud be at impact , and just swing from there, big difference!!

  9. Great video, even after playing this game for 70 years, one is always looking to improve! Having watched live Ben Hogan and Snead, I soon caught the bug! One question I have is, would you recommend the net you were using?

  10. Just a clarification, won’t leading with the hands promote hitting down on the ball thus increasing spin?

  11. I hate when the video says "link in the description"…then there's no link. 😞

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