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‘Inspirational, Arsene!’ | Mikel Arteta hails Wenger following induction into PL Hall of Fame

Mikel Arteta hails Arsene Wenger following the new of the former Arsenal manager’s induction into the Premier League Hall of Fame #PLHallOfFame

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  1. Mikel Arteta has been guided by two of the greatest managers ever in Arsene Wenger and Pep Guardiola. Little surprise he is now developing into a world class coach himself now! 👏

  2. All fickle Wenger out / Arteta out losers should hold their heads in shame… you know who you are 😅

  3. Besides the usual plaudits, wenger internationalised the Premier league. Famously said he didn't care about passports when measuring a player. Was criticised by everybody….then he won things and everybody else jumped on the bandwagon

  4. What an absolute legend. What he did for this football club cannot be quantified. Forever grateful.

  5. I've always backed Arsene Wenger even when things were tough in his final years. Too many young fans never grew up truly knowing what this great man brought to our club and the EPL. He sacrificed his marriage and time with his daughter for his deep love for Arsenal and football. He's not only someone I look up to in football but also life in general. Definitely inspiring, intelligent, a constant visionary of the world game. There is only one Arsene Wenger!

  6. There are three wengers – 1. Pre 2006 2. 2006-2011 when there were all kinds of financial restrictions 3. Post 2011
    I feel wenger really held Arsenal back post 2011 with his lazy attitude towards transfers.. pre 2006 he was a top guy

  7. 2:33 Arteta waving at the fans. He truly understands them as player and as a manager. What a guy! ❣❣❣

  8. I’d say that it was more about matching Wenger with ambition and giving him space and time and believing in him when no others in Europe gave him this opportunity Arsenal backed him and he became the manager that we hoped he would be and then a helluva lot more to become our greatest ever manager and I guess for Wenger he felt the same about the club he fell in love with.

  9. Arsene may not have won as much as Fergie did but he is way more impactful to Football from a cultural perspective. He changed many many things in football and was ahead of his time. He was a genius off the pitch in the way he conducted transfers and had an eye for talent set him apatt. At Arsenal he was hunted down by Real Madrid and other top top clubs but he stayed because that was the only way we could pay off for the Emirates. He loved the club so much that he sacrificed what could have possibly been an even more decorated career. So I dont ever want to hear anyone downplay his greatness.

  10. The way Arteta looks at Wenger is how I wish I could look at my dad

  11. Had Arsene wenger had the same money that is available pep guardiola I am sure he could have won 10 to 15 PL trophies, but these kreonkies screwed his career.

  12. Wen i ws young i thought Arsene owns Arsenal (Arsenal – Arsene) &he made me fall in love with this great team. The greatest ever manager to grace the football world. Took us to much greater heights dan before

  13. Great arsene. He will forever be remembered has a manager that brought a new culture in the epl despite him being unknown in the start. Pple saying arsene who? Now it's history. We love you arsene❤️

  14. Arsene Wenger not only changed how the game was played, and how players trained here, it was truly global, the impact he had on the game as a whole was staggering. A game changer is an understatement to say the least. Absolute Legend!
    In the words of the late, and great, Rocky Rocastle: “Remember who you are, what you are, and who you represent!"
    You can see, and feel the love, [@2:50] Lovely stuff

  15. All those Morons who shouted Abuse at Wenger should be publicly Flogged Especially Those Halfwits On Aftv…

  16. Thanks ARSÈNE for the lovely and breathtaking football you have given us over the years. Unmatched. Only one Arsène! Congratulations!

  17. I was at a sports academy presentation in Dubai last month where Arsene Wenger was guest speaker and he gave such an amazing presentation and short insight into his time at Arsenal.
    A friend of mine actually asked him who he thought was the worse signing that he'd made in his career and unsurprisingly to everyone he said Mike Arteta.

  18. Legend is a word that is often overused, but I truly believe it applies to Arsene Wenger. Like Fergie, his vision, ideals, commitment, passion and accomplishments in football make him a great ambassador of the sport. His beliefs and values and how he transmitted those to players and fans alike transcended the sport itself, and that is what makes him a legend and an inspiration to so many. There is only one Arsene Wenger 👏

  19. The father of the modern Arsenal Football Club.
    A titan of his time, going hit for hit with Sir Alex until his hands were tied due to lack of funds.
    Clubs like Chelsea, United and City came in for his best players and still he stayed loyal to the club.
    This man is a legend in the true sense of the word.

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