Easy Wrist Move That Transformed His Swing

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  1. Can't emphasize how important this technique is – tried this on the range today and greatly improved contact and distance with irons AND Driver!!! Not to mention the swing plane was much better. Thank you, Eric for sharing this video and tip to us.

  2. Eric, you're awesome. Should you hold the right wrist bent back(cupped, or however you define it) to impact and then release, or do you release slightly before impact…and flick it?

  3. So you explained this just in a different way in another video, and gave a drill to get that feel. That video and this one, changed how consistently I strike the ball. It felt like I was catching the ball so pure that I was kind of shocked. Thank you for the tips. If a 7-10 minute video can make that big of change I can only imagine what a more personalized coaching would do.

  4. Don't overcomplicate it guys. He's basically just saying deloft the club. He said buddy was only hitting a 140yrd 7 iron so obviously alot else was wrong cuz that's PW distance but to keep it simple he delofted for distance, and the stronger grip gave him the draw.

  5. Great stuff, thank you. It feels awesome. Question , can this technique apply to someone with tremendous club and ball speed that is fading and slicing the driver ? ( asking for a friend )
    I ask this because you mention “ throwing sooner ( with driver ? ) , *especially* when you have slower swing speed “ ,, *so* does this apply to someone with tremendous swing speed ? Thank you!

  6. This is so me! I've been thinking about it all wrong and used to flex my wrist back but somewhere started thinking I needed to keep it flat, and I've been struggling with high right short misses. Can't wait to try this. Thanks Eric!

  7. As someone coming from a tennis background, once I realised the right arm in the golf swing acts very similar to a tennis forehand, my golf swing improved dramatically. This wrist action is crucial to keep the club face square to the ball just like a tennis racket.

  8. Hey Eric, thanks for your. Videos and all that you do for us.

    Quick question, when doing this move with the wrists, do you know what would cause me to keep hitting hosel shanks?

  9. Excellent explanation of the proper trail wrist conditions, Eric. Needed this video in biggest way.
    You are a life saver! 🙌🙌🙌

  10. The wrists have been my primary focus for about a month. I was "S'ing" the ball earlier this year. Was looking at my wrist angles and they were terrible. Watching Eric's very simple approach to wrist angles has helped me alleviate the issue. It caused me to draw the ball hard left(I'm right handed) which then forced a great and more effective rotation to fix that. Now I'm hitting high draws, flushing the ball and added about 15% distance. Thank you Eric! So the right wrist cupped somewhat pronounced not only fixed the s's but also improved my hip rotation! Key to the swing

  11. Hi Eric; when the trail wrist is bent back in that position, does it stay there thru impact? It would really eliminate the flip at the bottom but It seems that if you hit it fat in that position you could really injure that wrist. I understand the concept but seems a little dangerous if not done properly.

  12. This has been a total gamechanger for me! I have always struggled with periods where I just could not hit it solidly but never really understood why and lately have been trying to square up the club face with body rotation and timing. Obviously, very inconsistent results followed. This video combined with your video about leading with the right arm/elbow have really helped me turn my game around. More distance, height and consistency as I know what I'm trying to accomplish now with each swing. Thanks Eric, your videos are pure gold! Where are you located in the winter. I'm planning to spend 6 weeks in Pam Springs and would love to have some in person lessons with you if possible.

  13. I've got to get rid my bad muscle memory in golf. Something like playing guitar muscle memory

  14. Having just watched Brian Menzella on Be better Golf. His take is that "shaft lean" is a recipe for disaster especially with long irons unless you have a 95+ swing speed. He also said the majority of decent amateurs have zero or very little shaft lean on impact. Wonder what your take is on this?

    I am having this issue myself since introducing right hand flex, whereby my PW to 7 irons are compressed really nicely, but i struggle to get 6-4 in the air. I also find i now miss left with the occasional starts left and goes left shapped shot.

  15. Drove from NE Ohio to Bethlehem to get a lesson from Eric in 2020. Prior was 20+ HC. After lesson w Eric plus commitment to practice/video, etc. my HC is now 8.3. This wrist move was critical for me to go from weak fade to strong draws and more distance. Eric is a fantastic instructor and communicator. Stay tuned, listen, practice and video yourself for real vs feel….. Thanks again Eric!

  16. It would really help to show your full swing in super-slow motion. It is one thing to talk about it, it is quite another thing to see it slow enough to absorb it. Thanks.

  17. .Great video, Eric! Thanks! My swing goes haywire if I don't set my right wrist backwards to start the swing.

  18. Hey eric! Thanks for these tips! Question – should we apply the same mechanics for clubs like fairway woods / driver?

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