Golf Players

Chris Harris gets his first Long Track Final win
In his sixth Long Track World Championship season and at the 27th attempt, Chris Harris is a Final winner. In Ostrów on Saturday, Harris shook off Martin Smolinski to leave himself just a single point from a three-way tie at the top of the 2023 World Championship Standings.


  1. I really don't like that the 'Longtrack' is now using normal short track speedway tracks to race on,
    it really should be 800m circuits minimum

  2. Normal track for normal speedway. Long track competition in Ostrów is a mistake. 😉

  3. Great race win Chris Harris I always like to see the likable Englishman win he rides everything that is speedway and deserves all his success.

  4. Youve got to love Chris Harris what a legend. Seems to be alot of empty seats which is ashame.

  5. just like speedway, not many spectators,….another sport dying,… good result for M of S

  6. The track looks more like the old Hyde Road Belle vue track , rather than a long track . Those were good old times .

  7. This was fkn awesome, those bikes are so much better looking than those ugly AF speedway bikes with the flat sides and hideous seats that look like a fruit pastel.🤣

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