Do This And It WILL TRANSFORM Your Iron Shots! (Quick and Easy)


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✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.




  1. Great drill and appreciate that you gave credit to Andrew Rice. However, as I requested with regard to another recent video, I would be most grateful if you would provide the information and videography as to how the right wrist can achieve the desired goal. First of all, we swing the club with both hands. Secondly, most of us are right handed, and find it easier to manipulate and monitor what we do with that dominant hand, if only one hand is shown in a drill. Ideally, you might note how each hand moves in all videos so that everyone can completely benefit. Thank you very much for your consideration. It’s the only thing keeping you from being perfect, LOL.

  2. Thanks Chris. Such a brilliant and cheap way to at least check your shots and adjust accordingly. I’ll be giving this a go for sure.

  3. Really nice drill Chris, thanks. I have been working on something similar from your previous tutorials. I found that two things help me achieve this position at impact, which is keeping the right elbow looking more towards the ground at the top of my backswing and having a flat or even slightly bowed left wrist. Previously I would get my left wrist a bit cupped, which makes it extremely difficult to shallow the club and get the hands ahead of the ball without opening the face – just as you described.

  4. I'd disagree with actively or consciously pressing forward or closing wrists to square face…….
    The hands are ahead naturally then stop…. the body then has the back hip turned through which puts face square…. the timing of the kinetic chain accounts for power and accuracy…. the hands move naturally to conform. Manipulating for ball flight or added ooomph is another thing of course.

  5. Chris, where could I purchase a magnetic pointer, I have searched the web, but unable to find one, are you able to help with this, please, also what a terrific drill, regards.

  6. I get great compression on my punch shots, for the obvious reason I play them back in my stance and lean my weight forward. But to get compression on standard iron play, I have to load 70% on lead leg. This drastically changes my ball flight compared to if I stood 50/50 at set up.

  7. Great drill. When I setup I lean the shaft with face square which works for me & gives consistency 😁 any disadvantages to that? Nice vid as always 👍

  8. Chris Pete Cowan would have you roll your right forearm on the downswing which achieves pretty much exactly what your saying.

  9. I found that if you line the shaft straight to the top line of the club (making it closed)at address then at strike the hands come through first bringing the face of the club through square….. does work 🎊🌟🤩🥳

  10. That explains why I tend to push the ball to the right then. I have good shaft lean but lack the wrist turn. Will definitely give this a go – it could be a game changer! ⛳

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