Golf Players

Krizo Accused of Photoshop at Guest Posing + Hunter Labrada Gets Out Angled + Tonio Looks Insane

#krizo #bodybuilding #mrolympia
0:00 Intro
0:08 Krizo Accused of Photoshop at Guest Posing
4:28 Hunter Labrada VS Beef Stu
7:55 GoodVito Gets Married
9:50 Tonio Burton Looks Insane
10:25 Patrick Hits a Road Bump
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  1. Why is Vito getting married bodybuilding news 😂 I hope he didn’t get married for bodybuilding purposes 😂

  2. Hunter has one of the ugliest physiques I’ve ever seen. I find it hard to comprehend how he got 4th in any pro show let alone the Mr Olympia. His arms are good and that’s quite literally it. His legs are horrible and have no separation, and his midsection is revolting. I hope to never see him in the top 10 again

  3. Hunter is overhyped. He can be happy if he makes Top 10 this year. Someone like Brandao can surpass him easy.

  4. I'm sorry to say but Patrick's career is the road bump, definitely so in face of all this pointless hype he's arguably not deserving of

  5. Patrick Moore needs more size smh WTH was he doing that year off he has so much potential. Without the size he can’t do anything

  6. If he photoshops anything it should be his gut, because in video it looks like a bloated barrel.

  7. It’s so funny that you are saying Hunter’s stomach looks weird here. I would argue that it looked much worse in the past. He’s looking pretty tight here and showing some decent cuts for the off-season.

  8. That Stu guy is looking damn good! Just one question…… is that a wig? 😂💪

  9. Talk about photoshop and making them self bigger. Big Ramy refused to have his height and weight checked 😂Its on youtube!

  10. I actually really like Krizo's physique. He's huge sure, but it doesn't look completely unaesthetic because of his height. To me, if he got is conditioning under control, he could be in the top 5

  11. Tonio Burtons vascularity is unbelievable! It almost doesn't seem real. A list of Bodybuliders with insane vascularity would be an awesome video and right up Nick Strength and Powers ally.

  12. Hunter's 4th place finish was a gift.. He's got a lot of ground to gain with these up and comers and shift in open bodybuilding.

  13. i truly believe hunter needs to go back to the old school basic philosophy of training. High, heavy intensity training.

  14. Beef stew said he was a couple weeks out from a show during the guest posing. He was also standing closer to the camera then Hunter

  15. The amount of times Hunter is being shown in a bad light…..Hunter Labrada should change his name to Hunted Labrada

  16. Why are we still talking about Hunter Biden….he needs to work on his commentating skills…all hype and name…..Cut, Print, Scene…he is done

  17. I don't know why but Labrada puts me in mind of a bodybuilder who the gear just isn't working for anymore and he's going backwards…a few years ago he was a juggernaut and looking unstoppable

  18. Since Krizo cant stop shaking, have gut control or even holding a pose for more than 1 second, Im pretty sure he cant use photoshop.

  19. Shared a photoshopped picture to bring more attention to his IG, smart over. Probably did that just to be a troll haha

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