How To Hit A Golf Ball Like A Pro (No One Is Telling You This)

Do you want to learn how to hit a golf ball like a pro? I bet you do. In order to hit it like a pro, you need to understand the difference between what they’re doing and what you’re doing. Once you know that, you’ll see that if you keep doing what you’re doing you’ll never hit pro-like shots.

To understand it, we’re going to get in the time machine and go back to the very first ball you ever hit. This is where the problem started. Think about it. When did pros start playing golf? The great majority of golf pros started as little kids where as most amateurs started as adults. This is huge difference.

If you want to hit a golf ball like a pro you need to understand what they did as they hit their very first golf ball versus what you did. No one is telling you this so if you don’t know what you are doing then how can you ever hit a ball like a pro? All you have to do to hit a golf ball like a pro is to copy what they are doing. This tip shows you the drill you should be doing regularly until you start to do it like they do.

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  1. Love your content! Thank you Paul. I've only been playing this wonderful game for 8 months. My biggest problem is I hit so well on the range. Straight, long, exactly where I aim. I rotate clubs (trying to simulate a hole) and that goes well. Once I hit the course it all goes to hell.

  2. Great insight. It's why practice with a weighted club is so helpful. You're forced to use your lower body and rotate through impact.

  3. Great lesson. However, I had a swing coach once who gave me the similar principle of body turning, rotation of torso, and the arms simply go along for the ride. Decent advice. But I took it to an extreme and my arms and hands became too passive if you can imagine that. I think it is good to remind the student that the swing starts from the ground up using a summation of nicely-timed, sequential forces (feet, legs, hips, torso, shoulders, arms, hands) that when all is put together well, generates a lot of beautiful, seemingly-effortless power. My point is, the arms and hands do contribute power and direction to the golf swing; they just aren't the beginning of the generation of power. That's my take. Thanks for the video.

  4. Paul…..ever since our lesson in May I've worked my butt off with the swing and all the principles you taught me. It's amazing how easy it is to fall back into bad habits. It's a constant battle. But I'm learning….it's a fight worth fighting

  5. It works Paul…as long as I don't fire the hips too fast, and get stuck. It's all about smooth, even tempo

  6. Dont believe it this what ive been saying for years ! golfers that learn as adults just want to avoid the embarrassment of missing toppin etc and develop a chopping action, then later try to just hit it straight,Kids dont care they just make a swish and if they miss just make another!
    A golf club must weigh like a sledgehammer to them! men are strong enough to just use their arms
    Most of the men in my club below my 6 hcp learnt as weak kids as did 99% of pros so when im practicing i try to swing like a weak kid
    Hardly any golfers get this or my other theory that every good golfer in the world that ever lived could bounce a ball on a wedge,! i learnt to thats a major reason why im 6 hcp having started golf at 50yo
    nobody i tell that to ever puts the effort in to learn just want quick fixes tips etc

  7. Hey Paul, today I tried to go from interlock to overlap grip and I couldn't even hit the ball! Is it worth changing to overlap?

  8. Spot on, my very first shot was a shank out of bounds trying to hit. Absolutely spot on about kid's, my grandson is now just turned 12, he hits it an absolute country mile, his hips are really open, almost at the finish position at impact with driver when i videod him, his handicap is tumbling fast, he's already 2.8 handicap and falling fast, he's at the course every day now it's summer holidays, wants to get to plus handicap. Interesting his arm doesn't bend now, as he's got older and stronger although he's done nothing conscious to change it.

  9. No I said, dumb game, I quit…..let’s try bowling….still haven’t lost a Bowling ball to this day

  10. Paul there are a lot instructors on u tube, but you always make it easy to understand , almost like a 2nd grade teacher

  11. Looks like “the muscle” you’re referring to is the Trapezius (trap) for future reference👍🏻

  12. 0:17 – "You're an adult … all your friends are playing this game golf, wow … looks kind of stupid, but all my friends are doing it … I better learn how to do it too" — I was rolling on the floor, couldn't stop laughin'. What does that say about all my friends and worse ME? Too funny!!

  13. 7:11 – Yup, the reason the kid never chicken wings is because he doesn't have the arm strength to overcome the weight of the clubhead in the downswing. So what happens? The club literally releases itself and fully extends past the ball. For me as an adult, the two things that helped me trememdously was watching your swing; I noticed your upper lead arm was pinned to your chest and you maintained a bent elbow and wrist in the trail arm, in the entire downswing. When I say maintained, I mean they stayed that way almost all the way to impact, the ONLY reason they changed was because the clubhead eventually pulled the arms away from the body and, at that point the club literally releases itself PAST the ball. I'm going to do a short video today and I'll post it so everyone can see what I'm talking about. I'll reference your teaching in it. I think you'll like it.

  14. Great video Paul as usual,any advice for getting out of the bunkers? Im heading to scottsdale next week, dowloading all of these tips for plane ride, really helped last year!Thx again Paul!!!

  15. This was exactly me 2 yrs back trying to hit the ball hard. After watching your videos and practicing almost every day now, I hit almost 95% of m shots straight and clean. Thanks

  16. Paul I bought your course and is fantastic, lot of drills and lot of insight. I discovered practicing this days that I tighten my arms after the impact…may be the fear to lose the club, or may be im worried to hit the balls straight , how can I get rid of that and let my arms lose also after I impact the ball ? [may be at the impact I already tighten my arms and my grip on the club]

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