Golf Players

Find Your Perfect Posture with this Tour Pro Secret!

How far should you stand from the ball?

The position of your body and the distance you stand from the ball will significantly affect your ability to deliver the golf club in a consistent manner.

There’s a lot of conflicting information out there about how to correctly stand to the ball which creates confusion and frustration among thousands of golfers.

However, good golf posture is very easy to learn and, if done correctly, will make the desired body movements of the swing much easier to achieve and repeat. Additionally, good posture will ensure that you’re minimizing the risk of intro your back or other joints. Finally, good posture will actually increase your natural range of motion and allow you to turn further than before, without the need for any physical exercise classes or stretching program.

In this video, you’ll learn the “secret” posture hack demonstrated by the majority of PGA and LPGA Tour Players. Once you know this trick, you can quickly check to see how to find your ideal distance from the ball and begin to make more powerful, balanced, and consistent golf swings.

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  1. Well, does it work for the driver?
    This is excellent thankyou. Current question that I've been working on.

  2. Fantastic video as usual! I have a bad habit of reaching too far at address. I really believe this will improve my ball striking.

  3. Rob’,
    Clearly presented. Nice.
    The video also made clear where the club should be placed behind the ball (how close; I’ve often wondered about this).
    Thank you.

  4. Very timely video for me as I'm currently analyzing video of my swing. Good news! I passed the vertical line test. Now if I could only figure out how to get better extension in my follow through!

  5. Thanks you for your very clear explanation on this aspectofthe set up. Just one question. Its aboutthe lower back. Some say the lower back shouldbe a little rounded others say maintain the little natural S shape in the lowerback at address. Who is right. So opposite views.

  6. As always Rob, this is an excellent recommendation and demonstration on how to set up one's address position. I have used these checkpoints for quite sometime now, but it has not been without faults. I think the biggest fault is width of stance at address. I will have to remember your suggestion to correct this error. Good Job Rob!

  7. I don't have a problem with having the proper posture. My issue is keeping it during the swing which is what makes me so inconsistent.

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