Golf Players

How Good Is The GOATs Little Brother? – Nicky Ryan


Do you think Nicky Ryan has what it takes to reach or surpass the heights of success his brother Gordon has achieved?

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  1. Call me crazy but if Nicky didn’t have so many bad and untimely injuries he would currently be on pace to surpass Gordon

  2. Nicky is definitely not as good as advertised, only competition matters not how good you are in the gym so based on that he's coming up very short especially with all the investment in time from Danaher and Gordon to teach him to be the best.

  3. He is not very good on the elite level because he has never actually won anything and got thrown into deep water too fast

  4. Great video! Nicky seems like a great guy with a lot of potential he is still young and can accomplish a lot of great things in the grappling world. Wish him the best! And I hope that Gordon and Nicky can solve what ever issue they had they are brothers after all and share the same passion in life.

  5. Summary: Nicky was good but lacked on the best, juiced and got the strength to dominate to the point where his body started failing. Now he either needs to stop jucing on the level where he's too strong for his own young body, rely on his exceptional jiu jitsu and get legendary results eventually or keep the gear, win some big fights in the short future and destroy himself for the long run.

  6. 10:45 "lack of cardio training"?? due to injury 1 week before the match? yeah, no, a week doesn't do any difference in cardio up or down. if anything training is light a week leading up to an event

  7. I wanna meet your caption person lol. Whose default Nicky spelling is "Nikki" lol. They were wilding lol.

  8. BJJ needs more channels like this. This sport needs to talk about the stars. Why wrestling and bjj arent as popular as boring sports like baseball, golf, and tennis have more coverage is sad. Lets face the first real sports where people came together to watch was combat. It would he awesome if sports like muay thai, judo, and even tae kwon do(hate on it if you want but way more dope than tennis), kyoshukai

  9. Nicky is the man in and out of jits. Brings a lot to the b team and can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future! Great vid

  10. In general, people know that Nicky Ryan's weight class has far more talented people. There are far more bodies at tournaments for his weight class. Also, people at small weight classes train with heavier people and they simply have to work harder than the heavy weights who often go against similar weight or tiny people. lol

  11. We know he's super talented. He doesn't have to prove anything. I think he should just teach and sell merch. At that weight class, people are trying to heal hook your toes to the mat while you stare up at the lights from your back. Hell nah. lol

  12. Didn’t Gordon say he is on roids? So who knows how good he is when he not stronger and faster than opposition. Steroids are illegal for a reason.

  13. BJJ is the worst sport to get into. Everyone is plagued by injuries and it’s absolutely useless in a street fight.

  14. How legit were his superfights at at the very beginning which made his name: "Did you hear Ryan's kid brother beat adult bleck belts… somewhere?"
    Once we actually saw him, it was pretty mixed but being the brother of a GOAT is always hard.
    Larry Bird's brother supposedly was a good player, he was nowhere near Larry.
    Michael Jordan's brother (also named Larry) was supposedly as talented as MJ but at 5'8 150lbs never came close to success.
    It is always hard on the brothers or sons of famous athletes because they can rarely surpass or match them so everything rhry do is seen as failure.
    Thats why Shaqs, Magic, MJ, Scotties kids arent in NBA: they are not their fathers.

  15. He'll never come close to achieving what Gordon has, he just doesn't have the correct killer instinct like Gordon.

  16. Yup you can see when he started taking roids started looking like his brother who had steroid grey hair at the age of 25 come on roid heads

  17. I love Nicky but he comes off to me as a very prideful person in a subtle way. His unbelievers knowledge in the game puffs him up. He has no tournament victory of note, yet he leaves his brother and John to start his own gym with Craig. He might end up being a very great coach, but as a competitor, he is below average. His knowledge doesn’t translate to his matches. To leave your brother, who is the greatest competitor of all time, and coach, who is considered the best to start your own gym at 21 is the epitome of pride. I hope he’s able to put it all together in the future.

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