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“It’s Great If You Aren’t Athletic” Tennis LEGEND John McEnroe BURIES Pickleball To Pat McAfee

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  1. Touchtennis (one word). Look it up. If tennis players want to add a game, that's it. Terrific fun.

  2. One of my sports heroes. I'm older than John and would stand a fair chance against him on the pickleball court. On the tennis court, not a chance.

  3. Anything he said could be applied to tennis as well. Why do people take tennis seriously? It's just hitting a rubber ball with 4 foot long racquets with huge heads. He dismisses it for how little running there is but all 4 of those tennis legends were drenched in sweat after their match. He said its great if you aren't athletic. I watched what was on youtube of that match and I gotta say, he is the worst pickleball player that used to be a tennis player at any level much less pro. The case that any tennis player is going to be great very quickly in pickleball is disproved by McEnroe.

  4. If you watched McEnroe back in the day you would imagine that all the bad calls went against him. I notice he never questioned all the many bad calls that were in his favor.

  5. As a tennis purist, Johnny Mac can't promote or herald the pickleball boom. But we all know he loves it. Yes pickleball is the perfect refuge for the non-athletic, but who cares. Everyone's hooked on it. Go ahead and bash it.

  6. Here’s the deal — PickleBall is vastly easier to master at an entry level degree of competency. Tennis — is not. To be able to control a tennis ball with a racquet, get it over the net and stay on the court as a beginner — is difficult. I have watched many a group show up on a public court and last about less than a half hour because they are frustrated at their inability to sustain a rally. That does not happen in pickeleball. Wives do not have to invest hundreds of hours so they can join their husbands and maintain the simplest back and forth. In the way that most people can keep a ping pong rally going, so it is with pickleball. the end. P.S. Before someone goes ballistic — focus on my word choices — entry level competency. This is not to denigrate people’s mastery as they progress in the sport.

  7. There’s only TWO players that can say Grand Slam anything, and that’s Rod Laver and Steffie Graffe. Laver as a Amateur and pro. Everyone else have Majors Titles, not Grand Slams. It’s only a Grand Slam when you win all four Majors in the same year. Serena was one match away, but choked to a nobody. Probably the biggest Choke in Sports history. I guess no big deal in women sports .

  8. Couldn't agree more about pickleball.I play paddle tennis or Pop Tennis I guess they are calling it now.Ive played for 30 years and it's played on a slightly larger court with bigger paddles and a tennis ball that's not as lively as a regulation tennis ball.But the game is scored like tennis and there us Spec tennis now. Paddle Tennis has been around for 100 years and I don't understand how it wasn't as big as pickleball.I guess it's to fast and you have to actually run around alot more.But I'm with McEnroe I can't do it playing with a tiny paddle and a wuffle ball that is not predictable and floats slowly thru the air is not fun for me.I guess when I get to be 70 I might give it another try until that day I will continue playing PopTennis because it's more like tennis than any other paddle sport.Long live Tennis and Pop Tennis

  9. The first thing I ever thought when I saw a pickleball game and every old person playing it bending real low at the waist, is that "old guys are going to get hurt." As a long-time tennis player, I never pull muscles. My 6th time on a pickleball court, I took a few small steps forward and bent low and ripped my right calf muscle, grade 2, (bending low, of course,) and was out 10 weeks doing PT until it healed. My doctor said his office is packed with pickleball injuries, from the great number of non-athletes playing it. Didn't surprise me one bit. And actually, my prediction about injury came true for me. After I returned, (to the tennis court, not pickleball,) I gave away all my pickleball stuff and never played again. I don't miss bending at the waist for balls that bounce 2" off the ground. I agree with John, the game is limited, compared to tennis, as an athletic endeavor.

  10. McEnroe was such a spoiled little jerk of a man while playing tennis. He gave the sport such a bad name. And he's not that funny.

  11. Watched him play. He wasn't good at it. I used to play tennis and refuse to play pickleball but I like watching pickleball.

  12. Pickleball has a lot of built-in advantages over tennis. These guys named one: You can fit three pickleball courts on one tennis court. Mac mentioned another – much less running. You've also got much cheaper equipment, whiffle balls and paddles. But the killer advantage is that it's much easier to play pickleball than tennis. Just keeping a practice rally going in tennis requires full concentration, where in pickleball you can just start whacking the ball around and play a game.
    It's a little like the difference between roller blading vs. roller skating. The first is much harder to do, and so it is dying out, and roller skates are coming back.

  13. Pickle Ball seems like a fun pickup game for people to play. But I don’t see it being that fun to watch. It’s like watching Table Ping Pong. Its a fad right now because it’s relatively new and fresh. Local tennis trainers are switching to Pickle Ball because of its popularity. I think that there will be tournaments and people making money of Pickle Ball but I doubt it would make any serious money.
    Has had big names making millions, but only a select few. Most Tennis Pros go to smaller tournaments across the world and make a paltry amount of money. Some barely make enough to live off, others need a full time job outside of tennis.

    Wonder what Pickle Ball organizers will do once the fad wears out. The freshness and FOMO pickle ball is getting on social is big right now. But say 5 years from now, only the super competitive people would be into it. The people who just do it for fun or FOMO will be gone.

  14. Well yeah, that's the whole point, Pickleball is much more accessible to society at large. If the goal is to have a healthier society, with less medical costs, then Pickleball is much better than Tennis.

  15. I was just sitting here thinking that a wheelchair pickle ball event would definitely be worth watching.

  16. What's funny is that's exactly why I play pickleball instead of tennis 😂😂😂 Too much wear on my body.

  17. Poor McEnroe, for the sin of competing in a $1M tournament, he’s called the Face of Pickelball. Total burn.

  18. I’d see linesmen and umpire that appear to be older than my grandfather, who may or may not have been awake, and they still insist you act absolutely proper. 😂

  19. Mac is right. Tennis is way tougher. But if playing pickleball gets you some exercise, that's awesome

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