Golf Players

How I became a 10 handicap golfer in 2 years… and how you can too

It took me about 2 years to drop down below a 10 handicap, and I strongly believe you can get there too.

3 years ago I caught the golf bug badly and wanted to improve and become a more consistent golfer. At the time I was averaging around 100 strokes per round. In the two years that followed, I worked really hard to get better and eventually got below a 10 handicap.

In this video you’ll find my step-by-step process on how to become a single digit handicap and be better than 90% of golfers!

If you liked the sick gear I wore on this video, check out Rhoback and use my code Erndog15 for 15% off your first purchase

00:00 Introduction
00:24 Step 1
01:04 Step 2
02:39 Step 3
04:38 Step 4
06:11 Step 5
07:10 Recap and Conclusion


  1. Erndog — can you talk a little more about Arccos and how important it was to your journey? I'm considering purchasing.

  2. 3 biggest things that have helped me are:

    Being able to hit the green from 150 in.

    No hero shots

    And two putts.

    My score went from high 90s to low 80s with just 2 of those. Now for getting rid of 3 putts.

  3. A huge turning point in my game came when I realized the last point. “When you’re playing golf, you’re not out here to play golf swing, you’re here to play golf”.

    Started eliminating swing thoughts during a round, and I started focusing on the target only. Your mind automatically does incredible things naturally.

  4. I just hit one year of playing golf. I’m not really sure my handicap, but I went from shooting 120s to consistently shooting low 90s. The best thing I did was buy a net and a hitting mat, when you’re just beginning you need repetition to get the feel of good shots, bad shots, and why those bad shots were bad shots. I got an outdoor heater and went in my sun porch every night and hit 60-80 balls.
    It definitely got a lot more fun once I bought my garmin R10 launch monitor, but I’m glad I waited till about 6 months into practicing. That kind of data is useless without a semi-constant swing, and beginners will definitely find themselves chasing numbers rather than true technique.

  5. "The wintertime is a little tougher, you dont have as much daylight"

    Yeah bro I can't even see the freaking ground in the winter. Cause theres 13 feet of snow on it.

  6. Nice video! A lot of good tips.

    In line with what you said about play golf, not golf swing… my turning point was when I started to play what I call architect.

    When I step up to a T box, I look at how I can place the ball, with my shot to make the hole rated for one less par for each shot. For instance, on a par three you were trying to make your next shot manageable so that you can play it as a part two or a par one. So if you hit green side in the rough for the bunker, that is OK, you just have a tough part two as your next shot, likewise if you meet your goal and you are within 10 feet of the hole I would consider this a par one, and as you putt depending on the slope of the green, you are, of course, trying to hole out but in-vision an ideal tap in just behind the hole. I call that par zero.

    After I changed to this mindset, I am much more aware of my surroundings on a golf course and execute shots, more deliberately, and well thought out.

  7. This video came to me on my golf feed page. Watched it and NGL, i was talking shit, i was thinking fuck this guy lame ass tips, so obvious what a waste of 8 mins of my life..

    Little context- 3 year GOLFER !! LOVE GOLF!! So far this season i am a 21 Handicap, my best best was a 12 Handicap, haven't been able to really play all that good this season so far trying my best to get back to 12 or maybe even 9

    Dude, i played 9 holes yesterday, with the "bogey golf" mentality. I've also been hitting the rage shot after shot and I'm confident at the range, but not at the course. Then yesterday,(AFTER WATCHING THIS VIDEO) i forced myself to apply what you said to my game yesterday (9holes BTW) and i finally broke 50 this season !! Doesn't seem like a lot to some, but for me. i played a total of 12 games so far this season and on my 13th i finally broke 50,

    i will have to admit, this mentality really helped me out gave me confidence and i know you didn't know i even watched your video/ had the thoughts i had.

    Still … wanted to come back an say Sorry, lol and Thanks for this video 🙂 Dope shit !! keep up the great work homie !

  8. Thanks!! Im done with the YT rabbit hole, i learn from watching and im lucky the son I coached in hockey is a natural and is now teaching me!!!

  9. Awesome video. New sub here. I see you at Texas star. I'm over in Weatherford😂👍

  10. getting golf lessons at the start from a pro is huge..dont wait until youve learned bad habits

  11. I started playing last July and got to a 17 handicap by October. Now that winter is finally over I’ve been on the grind with the goal of a 10 handicap by the end of this summer. 16.9 right now I’ve seen no improvement in scores yet. Bogie golf plateau

  12. I'm at the very beginning of my golf journey, but I put way too much time into hitting driver on the range before I had lessons, and then had 2 lessons before I went onto the course. I had such an unrealistic expectation of myself based on performance at the range. My confidence quickly turned to frustration when I couldn't hit my irons off the grass like I was hitting them off the mats at the range. I've now stripped back my game and am hitting a selection of clubs with more confidence rather than every club in the bag and have implemented a driver ban to consistently get on the fairway with an iron from the tee. Hoping to break 100 this summer.

  13. Actually great tips. Basic, but things that you might not always think about.

    And getting an instructor can't be emphasized enough. I've watched golf majors for 20 years, watch tons of YouTube videos, etc and after 2 or 3 lessons i played better than I've ever plsyed before. Which leads to MORE FUN. Ha ha

  14. I started playing a year ago and I grinded my ass off to get to an 11.
    Step 0 is to take the game seriously. If you want to just play on Sunday and get drunk with your friends that’s totally fine. But if you want to improve at a decent pace you need to dedicate yourself to actually practicing on a regular basis not just playing. My opinion is that in order to get from 30 handicap to around a 10 you don’t need to get into statistics at all. Your step 3 is step 1 in my opinion. Take a lesson from your local pro, bite the bullet spend whatever you need to, and then hit balls as frequently as you can in order to implement the tips you received. If you expect to take a lesson and just download a golf swing into your brain like Neo in the matrix then you’re sadly mistaken. Put in the time and the results will come. As an adult beginner I think it’s best to develop your game from the outside in. Meaning that developing a golf swing should be priority number 1. There’s no use in spending most of your time chipping and putting if you’re shanking the ball around the course.

  15. Last tip would be play more golf. Practice is huge but you need to play golf to learn course management, greens, rough, ball above/below your feet, etc.

    Great video

  16. I agree with all of this except the time allocated to the short game. I think more like 70% should be short game. I can have a horrific ball striking day but save bogey with a decent chip to guarantee a 2 putt or get up and down for a par. New golfers will be missing so many greens that the short game is more important.

  17. Went from shooting 130s to 84 in 1.5 yrs. Everything your saying is very true.

    Practice, see a professional, make sure you have clubs that are made for your specs. I started and was using regular shafts when i needed extra stiff and that made an enormous difference for me. Get some lessons, get fitted. And practice putting and chips alot

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