Golf Players

Do These 2 Things To Load Up Your Golf Swing Properly | Dynamic Load vs. Center Pivot

Staying centered in the backswing can and will hurt your back over time. Let us help you get your backswing loaded up in the correct sequence.

Get out of the barrel and start building a perfect backswing with MyGolfDNA instructor Chris Tyler.

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  1. Agree 100%! Allowing my head to move a few inches in backswing helped free up my swing. Check out the analysis of Payne Stewart’s golf swing. Payne moves back several inches. His swing is smooth and tension free.

  2. Is it okay to hinge my wrist at take away? It makes my club parallel to the ground on my take away. Or is it better to keep both arms straight ish and keep the but of the club pointed toward my belt buckle?

  3. Hello, could you please explain more about what it means or when to know that the spine is being over rotated and how staying centered can cause back injuries? I personally have found a lot of success staying centered in my backswing and allowing my trail knee to flex to get rotation. But of course I want to take care of my back to prevent any injuries. Great video by the way! Really liking the channel.

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