Golf Players

You won’t believe how natural gifted John Daly is. #shorts #johndaly

The man the Myth the Legend, John Daly. showing how golf is done, barefoot and sticking right next to the hole. The Golf Legend at his best.

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  1. I wonder how many times he has hit a golfball…and how good the average person would be after that many swings.
    Natural talent doesn't get you as far as you might think.

  2. When I'd go to the Buick Open back in the day…There were just as many people were following John as Tiger.

  3. Wasted Talent? He said, i golf better Drunk? 😅😮😮😅😮😅😂 Tar! Tar! Tar!

  4. The Mickey Mantle of golf. We'll never know what could have been….
    Nobody played as well as they did while completely IMPARED… WAY too drunk to drive a car and out playing everyone.
    Drunk Mantle was almost as good as SOBER Willie Mays.
    DRUNK Daley was almost as good as SOBER Tiger….

  5. That doesn't prove up a natural gift. Virtually anyone able bodied could do that. I had a friend walk with me for a few holes one time. He'd never hit a ball in his life. Gave him a 5-wood and let him tee off when we reached a short par 3. It was way too much club for anyone other than a little old lady. Anyway, he made the sort of swing you'd expect for someone making their first swing, but he made contact with it and it bounced and rolled up onto the green and finally rolled to a stop about three inches short of the cup, heading dead in. Nearly got a hole-in-one with his first swing! True story. That said, I agree JD was crazy gifted to win two majors and other tournaments with the train wreck way he pursued his career.

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