Release The Golf Club Like This For A Perfect Balance of Speed And Control

Learn how to release the club with a simple drill that you can work on around the house then take it to the range and start compressing the ball like you’ve always wanted to.

Impact bag:

MyGolfDNA instructor Chris Tyler shows you why some info can be really bad for you and your game.

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  1. Hands down this guy is the best Communicator on the Golf Swing since the late Harvey Penick !!! We need more articulate swing coaches like this…..Keep it up Bro 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾!!!

  2. Again another excellent instruction video dealing with a critical part of the golf swing and making it simple to understand and execute. The drills you use are helpful, the way you add to them is a logical path to achieve the end result of a repeatable golf swing. Keep keeping it real.

  3. At 9 minutes 46 seconds, it would have been very helpful to show how far away from the body (lead thigh) the club handle should be. Maybe a video angle from down the line, showing if the club handle should be close to the thigh, or if the club handle should be further away from the thigh. I've had better success with the club handle closer to my lead thigh, almost like the butt of the handle was pointing at my belt-buckle, but I think many amateur golfers aren't really sure where the club handle should be, and often aim the butt of the club closer to straight up at the sky at impact. Overall, still a great video.

  4. Comment bump from previous comment. You do show a view at 16 minutes and 8 seconds, kind of showing where the butt of the handle should be pointing at, but no actual comments on what is happening there. Anyway, still gave the video a thumbs up, because it was well explained, and offered a great drill. Do you happen to have a video showing how to get the center of your pelvis ahead of the ball for low point control? I'd really like to see a well explained video on how to feel a lead side hip bump, with a squat movement when hips are square. I really struggle with low-point control, and don't know how to do those 2 things (hip-bump with squat) correctly.

  5. if you are more focused on the subject at hand, and don't waste time on talking about things that don't matter, you wouldn't have to produce 1/2 hour Netflix episodes.

  6. What I love about MGD is that your videos give not only the movement, but also a structured way to practice. Now, I’d prefer that I just magically implement the movement after watching the video 😝 but this release is 100% what kicked me off on my heater this year. I would put this video in your top 5, it would be number one, but I had to dock you points for quoting the worst movie of the F&F franchise. Everyone knows Tyrese is the only one that’s quotable out of that movie 🤣

  7. Good video, thanks for sharing the shaft rotation. It really helps me compress irons and be more accurate. Driver is still inconsistent, good distance with the occasional snap hook.

  8. Chris, in the full swing , yes I know I’m getting ahead of myself, BUT ! Do you wait that late in the swing to square the club ( logo down) ????

  9. Thanks Chris…….. brilliant once again – I'm combining this with your 'learn to post up like a pro' move for lead side and trail side – combined with the sincronisation of the 'release like a pro clip.'…..and what I have learn above with the toe hitting impact bag………..Mate I just love all of this – I was scratch golfer in my early 20s – then gave up as knew I was not being taught properly….. and then worked for Ping for years – my passion kinda went out of the game…..This instruction, or you!!! and your knowledge has relight my fire and passion for golf !! – And I'm hitting it better than I ever have done in my life………..Now I know what I should be bloody doing!!! 🙂 – can't blame the old school teachers of the early 90's they did not have the technology back then – and in UK all done by PGA registered coaches…. same old techniques that don't work in modern golf now……. BIG THANKS CHRIS TYLER !!!!! So eloquent and make it fun!- What a dude!

  10. Great video Chris! ..felt a better ball compression and my accuracy improved with this drill. I have followed your work since 2013 when you reviewed my swing online and your comment was “stick to the drill and stop watching videos that will magically cure your swing fault ” … you were right. This is the ONLY way to learn new movement patterns

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