Golf Players

🚨 BREAKING NEWS 🚨 Stephen A. Smith LOVES PGA Tour & LIV Golf merger 🍿 | First Take

On First Take, Stephen A. Smith offers his reaction to the PGA Tour and LIV Golf merger that was announced by the PGA Tour commissioner.
#ESPN #FirstTake #StephenA

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  1. Shut up Stephen-A ( A is for A$%^hole) and stick to what you know, which isn't sports or anything else, so far, you pontificate with smugness.

  2. U must understand, these sports talking heads get paid to advocate, they're being paid, these mfing golfers, the only thing they do is walk, they don't carry their own clubs, SS will sell his ma for a dollar

  3. Any player that turn down eight or nine figure deals to stay in the PGA are absolute idiots. They need to fire whoever their management team is.

  4. PGA sold out for the money. Its not only the players they screwed over and the sponsors but its the fans. PIF/LIV/Arabs have money but that doesn't mean they are intelligent or give a hoot about the sport of golf or its fans. Life and culture in the US is and always will be different than the middle east. US has been blessed with resources, fertile land and a free society, we are lucky to have crazy enthusiasm for our sports that other countries will never understand. Life in middle east is very rough for most, the .1 percent of the oil aristocrats have tremendous wealth but the vast percentage of the population lives in ancient poverty and it will always be that way. Women are discriminated against as well as anyone not born into the elite class. There isn't going to be a women's LIV tour, no way. There isn't going to be a youth golf program for under privileged kids in Saudi Arabia either. Their culture is so different than the US. The spirit and integrity of the game of golf and its traditions will be destroyed to make money.

  5. Steven A was told to take this supportive stance for PGA.. Eveyone else seems hate the commissioner now 🤔

  6. This is the drama that golf needs after Brooks won the PGA Championship. Kudos to LIV golfers for ignoring personal attacks from PGA and its fans for money

  7. Everytime you go to the gas pump, remember that $.15 will be going to golfers… 🤣

  8. Yes let's celebrate this deal. Celebrate that golf is sold to the Saudis. Yay golfers can make 7 figures instead of 6.

  9. Never let principles get in the way of making a profit. Stephen, move to Riyadh.

  10. Huge prize money means all tickets and products that endorse and advertise will be more expensive for fans/consumers.

  11. Smart business move but also scummy move by Monahan to pander an American tragedy like 9/11 to convince guys to not defect. Should’ve realized from the jump that money was always going to win out and he shouldn’t have publicly shamed those who defected. Took a 180 degree pivot on his stance and turned his back on the players that stayed. PGA tour is player run organization and the players had no say. Long term this will be good but short term PGA tour players will be rightfully pissed

  12. Two wrongs don’t make a right, Stephen. Disgusting. Blood money. What Phil said about the Saudis is all you need to knows. Scary mfs.

  13. UNPATRIOTIC COWARDICE PGA. 911 proven involved, Dictator killed his own family in a coup for power. Currently killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians. SCUM PLAYERS WENT TO LIV. NO MORALS, Cheaters,Coke heads, Tax Evaders, Poor Sportsmen.

  14. Saudi Arabia will go bankrupt when we go from oil to electric cars within 5 years
    and you Stephen along with the golf players will have a black eye 😂❤

  15. I have never even heard of this LIV thing. I am not a huge golf fan, but I watch sportscenter every single day for the past 15 years. Idk, maybe I just tune it out.

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