Effortless Golf Swing – How I Turned My Arms Off

If you’re looking for an effortless golf swing you’ve some to right place. I have literally been teaching this type of swing since 1991. This tip explains what I felt the day I turned my arms off. Once I did I literally went from hitting the ball sideways to straight. In other words I become consistent after literally 10 years of taking lessons and trying everything.

An effortless golf swing is a swing for life. Sure, young tour pros are swinging as hard as they can using both their body and arms. Most people will never be able to do this swing. So why not learn and effortless swing. It creates great power with no effort, it’s super consistent and it never hurts your body. You play pain-free for life.

Have you not marveled at a golfer who hits it a long way and it looks effortless? So if you want that swing this is a great thought on how to get it. This is the thought I had to completely turn my arms off and stop hitting hard. The day I got this was game changing. Give it a try and hopefully you too can get an effortless golf swing.

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  1. The other night I was talking to my son about his swing and what he should do to hit it longer an straiter. I had to explain to him what turning with his hips would for him. He didn’t think I knew what I was telling him but he tried it and the guys he plays with was shocked at the distance he is getting. All the par fives he was reaching them in two I had to laugh at all the years that he wouldn’t listen an what he could be if he had but that’s children for you

  2. What a bunch of gibberish. You're not hitting it 300 with that swing! Get in front of a TrackMan and prove it you Snake Oil Salesman!

  3. I agree totally with what you are saying Paul. I want to be able to play golf into my seventies. I have spent hours at the range trying to get my ball speed over 155mph with a driver. I have been trying to accelerate as hard as I can from the top of the backswing. I am 55 years old, and I injured a ligament on the inside of my right knee ( I feel sure it was because of me forcing my arms and whole body to generate a faster swing speed ). I have maxed out at 153 mph ball speed. I tried to hit balls using your method and I reached 153 mph ball speed without any effort!! I see all the younger guys at the range trying to hit the spots off the ball. I think the problem is that we watch the top guys like Rahm, Mcllroy, and Scheffler all getting ball speeds of 170+ mph and we want to hit like them. What we don't always take into consideration is that they are younger, go to the gym to strengthen and work on body speed, and they will get injured from time to time because of what they are putting their bodies through. A powerful effortless swing is the way to hit far and straight and enjoy the results. Thanks Paul.

  4. I've watched every one of your videos at least once, and most of them several times. This one really resonated with me. You hit bad golf shots for 10 years–I hit bad golf shots for 55+years! You said "nobody every told me…". Same for me (and I had several sets of lessons over the years from golf pros–they never told me). I hit as many as 24,000+ golf balls in one year (I keep lots of spreadsheets) and never got any better. I've played 5,000+ rounds of golf since 1980. I was the original public golfing hacker! But just about 10 years ago I ran across your videos. Today is my birthday (85) and I can say I'm a better golfer today than I ever was. I've shot my age or better 203 times since you taught me how to swing a club. It has been a hard transition to turn the arms off when they were my sole source of power for so many years. So even though I'm getting old enough that most of my athletic skills are gone, the techniques you've taught me still keep me mostly on the short grass. I hope to get still better!

  5. Great video, Paul. I love the idea of just turning off the arms and letting it go. It took me years to learn that. Every once in a while, the controlling arms creep back in, which is usually shown as a chicken leg left elbow post-impact.
    Question: Did you ever consider playing competitively as a career?

  6. When my knees were hurting a bit one day, I was just letting my swing to do what it wants fearing I might hurt my knees if I do anything extra to the swing, so I swing without manipulating the club face. I still hit it far enough and also hit it straight. We had a tournament among our group of friends that day (about 20 people), and I had the lowest score.

  7. So turn the arms off, slow the downswing down but get that body moving fast, straighten the left leg, get those thighs to touch and get up on that right toe. So the slower the arms move, the fast the body goes, and the ball goes?

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