Golf Babe

How to PREPARE FOR ROYAL LIVERPOOL: ALL about British Golf with a LOCAL!

#bigboypantsgolf #britishopen #royal #liverpool #golfnews #golf #golfchannel #pgatour #livgolftour #livgolf #livtour


  1. Ironic it’s called royal Liverpool seeing as the scousers hate the royal family and rightly so.

  2. This isn’t a real Open at Royal Liverpool. It’s too green, will play soft. 2006 was how the course should really play for an open.

  3. Another great Video. Thanks for always bringing us great content . I will say I agree with your guest. I traveled to outside London for work before and went to a local course and for one the price was great and also yes I had people to play with within about 5 minutes

  4. Everything Chris said was bang on, that's exactly what i'm doing in a few weeks when i go home to Bristol. Gonna grab a rental and drive all over England and Scotland playing hidden gems on the cheap. This podcast was like a trip through memory lane, been to almost everything Chris listed. Bath is 10 minutes from my parents and is a beautiful roman city, great day out.

  5. The curry story is true and started on Stoney lane in Birmingham, a lane i grew up off, the restaurant in question was like a 30s walk from my house, now that dish is sold world over.

  6. In 1969 and 1970 I was stationed in Thurso Scotland and I met the nicest people in the world!! I bought a Triumph 500CC motorcycle from a local for 100 pounds. They still existed then. We became mates and late at night we’d go to his father and older brother’s bakery named after them Johnstons of Thurso Ltd and get meat pies, current tarts, sausage rolls and other wonderful delicious things. Then go looking for milkman making deliveries who were hard to find because of the fact they used electric vehicles so as not to waken sleeping customers. The first two inches of glass pint bottles were heavy cream and wonderfully cold. Great with hot fresh pastries. If I lived in Scotland instead of Kansas I would get one of there special Christmas fruit cakes every year. It weighed a ton and was delicious. Some locals took me out to play at the local golf course and the fee was three shillings which you dropped in a wooden box on the honor system. On the first tee using one of their driver’s I took a mighty swing into a howling wind and was looking for the ball when they said it’s behind you. I said I’d be at the Arm’s and stand them to a pint when they finished. If I knew how much I would fall in love with golf I wouldn’t have gone to the pub that day. Loved Scotland and all the great people there. If you read this be sure and order a Christmas fruit cake from Johnston bakery and if you need a great mechanic my mate Colin Johnston owns a motor works there but he’s probably retired by now since that was 53 years ago 😉⛳️😇😊

  7. (from the girl who went hiking in the woods in Mammoth)… great to see finally someone has tapped into the fountain of golf knowledge that is my father! 😂

  8. Travelled to the UK many times. Got to play St Ives and Gog Magog. Nice courses but very average when compared to muni’s in Colorado. I always had a good time but you could find pubs in areas where you didn’t want everyone knowing you were American unless you wanted to scuffle.

  9. Chris is an awesome guest. Thanks for bringing him back to BBPG. Looking forward to The Open. My favorite to win is anyone but Rory!

  10. Found myself transfixed watching this and im IN the uk . 😂 @ shag means something else in UK . Intresting all the Harry Potter movies were filmed in my area also .

  11. Fyi. I just perused the open website for tee times etc.
    The R&A bent over backwards to make sure that out of 4 featured groups, i.e. 12 players…..None were from LIV.
    Can't feature the defending Champion even. Smh
    Corrupt mucn?

  12. Great guest. Just got back from England and it remains true that one must ditch the large cities (London…) as fast as the wife will allow and take to the country: see some small towns and eat the local food, pasty and meat pie in the mom and pop bakeries.

  13. With all the useful knowledge and wisdom dispensed on this channel lately, it seems quite obvious to me that BBPG jumped back in time, visited the early inhabitants of Briton and showed them one of his forthcoming episodes titled “How to Build a Henge of Stone, Ahead of Schedule to Make Your Tee time and Under Budget to Pay for It” and poof: Stonehenge. All those astronomical alignments, other significances, and such were just the normal attachés of genius, especially of this stature.

  14. "Promise to take your kids to Harry Potter, drop them off at some random village, go play golf and maybe at the end of the day, they are still at the village". That was an absolute classic comment Pants. I was genuinely laughing at that one. I also liked "Meet some Brits – they are almost like us". Great video Pants – always entertaining.

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