Golf Players

Keeping Your Head Still is the WRONG Way to Swing Fast

The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing – impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.


  1. Todd have a look at your book on page 2 and 3 and look at the model of Moes head half way past impact his head is still in position
    Pleas clarify your books says one thing and here you say another
    If my head is not behind the ball at impact I’m I trouble playing off 3 HC

  2. Look at Rory and tell me where his head is going, its going nowhere, the little movement he has is right at impact, drops down a bit, besides that, not much, and his shoulder rotation is 113 deg. People think they are keeping their head still and transfering that into the body, thats wrong, but its not because of the stillness of the head.

  3. An epiphany for me to an extent, how I understand it is that is that it is not that you have to keep your head absolutely still but more that you keep it in the same vertical/horizontal plane and no different than how I was taught as a child with baseball, you keep your eye on the ball the whole time….yes?, no?
    Just asking….

  4. There are progressions in learning the golf swing. Someone who sways off the ball and moves their head all over the place would see significant improvement with this tip. After they understand the concept, than you progress the swing again and again and slowly dial them in to the correct swing mechanics.

  5. You are also keeping your right foot planted to the ground. Regardless of head movement, that is extremely restrictive of hip and shoulders turning..

  6. I don’t think about my head it’s my sternum I try to keep the same distance from the ball to Marian my spine angle

  7. People who tell you to keep your head still do not mean to keep your head still for the whole swing. They are referring to the importance of keeping it largely still for takeaway through to impact. Move it shortly after contact to facilitate the through-swing and proper body rotation.

  8. If you’re flexible you can rotate perfectly around the head , I find the centre everytime , I hit wooden drivers like this 30 years ago , new drivers are easy

  9. My head stays still with my eye on the ball the whole movement

    It moves when my shoulder is moving fast as you aren't in this video and makes contact with my chin bringing it up. I get much more accuracy instead of moving my head to see where the ball is going before I hit it

    Keep your head still and the shoulder will bring it around without breaking speed unlike the slow motion he's doing here giving that illusion

  10. Annika Sorenstam lifted her head on every shot. It's possible she never saw her club strike a ball.

  11. i have to keep my head there otherwise my baseball instincts take control and I want to turn my body to hit the ball.

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