Golf Players

3 Ways To Achieve a Connected Backswing

*** Full Swing Master Class HERE ***

In this video, Adam teaches you 3 ways to achieve a connected backswing. Adam goes over proper hand path, using the core to turn to the top and completing a full shoulder turn to the top. A connected swing is a staple at Porzak Golf and is critical for striking the ball with compression and efficiency.

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  1. More and more I wish I could do an in person lesson! Such high quality and care in your instruction. Your videos are such a comfort to watch.

  2. I've watched nearly every golf instructor on YT , but have only recently found this channel.
    And I have to say that this man's instruction on golf techniques is unsurpassed.

  3. I see some vertical forces in this student’s swing. How do you feel about ground reaction forces (eg, swing catalyst stuff) and any chance you’ll have a video on this subject?

  4. Hey Adam i have a question i love your lessons but I'm curious why you don't have any videos on the small lateral movement that all pros do after the backswing is finished and actually start before the backswing is finished can you touch on this with a video, or is it something you don't recommend

  5. I have been watching your online instruction for about a year now and have been struggling with what you described in the last part of this lesson with the upper body opening up too quickly and hitting flush straight shots but just slightly pulled maybe five to ten yards left of the target. I have compensated by lining up slightly right of the target. I think this lesson on the train track of the arms and getting my arms more caught up with the body will provide the slight correction I need. Appreciate all the content you have provided over time. You eventually cover what someone needs to see and hear. I will try this feel out in my next range session.

  6. Great video as ever! Most common reasons for early extending/not rotating properly (right knee kicking forward) in transition?

  7. Now I see why sometimes I start the ball left. I will speed the arms up. Makes sense.

  8. Just bought a used momentous a few weeks ago. Useful training aid, also great for a forearm workout doing wrist rotations with arm out in front of you.😊

  9. So for somebody who's shoulders are too open at impact, feeling the arms move faster is a remedy?

  10. Love your coaching style easy to understand, please come to Melbourne Australia. Can you do a grip video please

  11. I have no problem with the backswing. A connected downswing is my issue, although, I'm decent with wedges but anything else, I don't keep my body turning because I'm trying to swing to hard. Any cures for this?

  12. I think this winter im gonna fly all the way from montreal to take 2 or 3 lessons with you through out the week and play the amazing courses in your area, Amazing video Jeff

  13. Would you guys recommend young juniors under 10 years old to hit with shaft lean?

  14. Ahhh ha! Yep I am getting out in front with my shoulders and not getting in the slot. Slice hook to the right.

  15. Awesome instruction. Getting the fundamentals right. No gimmicks or fads or information that contradicts the last video. Love it.

  16. My golf swing amateurish analysis (evaluation) is now 30% visual and 70% sound. I can't get enough of the sound of a pure strike. Listening to some of her shots just made me wanna ditch work right now and head out to the driving range. Sound beats visual any day in terms of a well-compressed golf ball. I sometimes hear a good strike, while at the driving range, and immediately turn around to look for the "culprit".

  17. Hideki drills helped with my thin shots. I feel like the pause at the top forces me to squat down on the start of the downswing.

  18. Hey Adam which momentus model do you have? signature or men's? and you have the training grip?

  19. Been watching y’all’s content for a few months. Implemented the hip bump and connected takeaway. Been shooting lower scores consistently and shot my best score yesterday. Awesome instruction keep it up

  20. Hi Thank you I did the drill you are demonstrating with the target stick. I also did the drill on letting your right elbow beat the right pocket to the ball. I was doing this for about 5 days already. I went out and played some decent golf for a change. My shots are more penetrating good shape and improved distance. Thank you so much.

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