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Nhl highlights today florida panthers vs vegas golden knights game 1 stanley cup finals 2023 panthers vs golden knights highlights gm1 nhl hockey adin hill save matthew tkachuk sam bennett mark stone jonathan marchessault paul maurice las vegas golden knights highlights nhl playoffs 2023 vgk stanley cup final game 1 highlights postgame interview nhl news today reaction predictions stanley cup finals panthers golden knights nhl
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  1. Hill is a brick , hes so slow from side to side just a butterfly goalie, Id still take BOB everyday always over this guy.

  2. Good game. Vegas will win the cup. They're better and stronger as long as they don't get cheated… go Knights Go!

  3. A lot of Panther's fans are now starting to sound like Toronto fans, coming into these breakdown videos and complaining about the officials blowing the game. They insisted the comments were baseless, whining, sore losers, etc– but are doing the same thing,

  4. Florida plays dirty.. I’m not a fan of that style of play in a team, but I get it. I know some teams have to do that because it’s only way they can win. As long as knights keep their composure it could be a sweep. Knights 5 on 5 hockey is beautiful to watch if you are a true hockey fan. It’s like an oiled machine. Very structured and disinclined for the most part. It’s pretty incredible how all 4 lines can score and their 6 defenseman can all play too.

  5. Sorry mate, you are wrong and pathetic for the NHL line of "don't look at the refs, look over here" nonsense. Huge scrums and only Florida being penalized is awful officiating. But sadly, Canadians are probably the absolute worst when it comes to talking hockey because the bias is too strong, the attachment is too strong.

  6. Everyone says “Panthers against the refs”. I attribute that to Vegas being one of if not the most hated team in the NHL. People who aren’t fans of Vegas want to see them fail, so if there are any questionable calls, all of a sudden the refs are trying to make Vegas win. People have to understand the refs suck…in every game and every series. And fans always let their bias dictate what they “see” on the ice. The refs aren’t paid off. There will always be calls that go for or against your team, a good team will overcome that. Period.

  7. VGK won without playing a particularly good game, FL is toast if VGK turns on all cylinders where all 4 lines overwhelm the cats lack of depth

  8. A pizza….funny. It was a lazy beach ball he threw to the middle of the ice and maybe even I could have handled it.
    Hill made some great timely saves especially one towards the very end and then Vegas comes back and scores.
    Going to be a fun series!

  9. Pietrangelo going a little unnoticed after that paddle save. Cousins would have put that in the net on the second attempt without Pietrangelo to stop it.

  10. It was insane of Vegas. The Game 1 was spectacular, and they’ll gonna do it again till tomorrow Knight Game 2 gonna be epic!

  11. Reffing was off for both sides. Anyone trying to make the argument that refs favoured Vegas just isn't true lol Panthers should've won that game by the second period but they couldn't get a 3rd past hill and Vegas came back

  12. When Vegas wins the cup that’ll be the save that gets replayed a million times… and then they’ll cut to Cassidy. And THEN they should cut to Ullmarks poopy pants as he skates outa the net and hands the puck to Fla in overtime, followed by cutting to Jimbo looking like the fat, bald and scared cheerleader that he is. As a bruins fan, I say the Bruins players DESERVE to watch Cassidy win with Vegas. God damn crybabies like DeBrusk, “wahhh Brucey was mean to me and now hockeys hard!” (and even [especially] Bergeron) causing Sweeney to fire Cassidy. Yeah, so hope the season was tons of fun and coachy Jim was awful nice and made hockey fun, fun, fun… FOR THE REGULAR SEASON! How’d that work out when you needed a tough, hard nosed coach to make the tough choices they players needed but didn’t like? I’ll never forgive the players for the letdown of this past season. They choked and they have too many cowards afraid of the moment on that team. Need guys like Bertuzzi with some balls, and less like DeBrusk who needs a pat on the bum and a “atta boy” every 5 minutes in order to play hockey FOR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! _*SUCK IT THE F_CK UP YOU OVERPAID P_SSIES!

  13. I'm rooting hard for FLA and I'll be the first to say Vegas played a great game. They were firing on all cylinders. This will be a series to remember, no doubt.

  14. Fla took some really dumb penalties.
    Review on hi stick was wrong.
    No call on the fla breakaway in the 3rd…dude was mugged.
    Refs were the deciding factor in this game…

  15. DEVILS FAN here I Really think You VEGAS Fans Need to Pump the Brakes !!! Cause
    You Are Out of hand with Winning the Cup BS !!! Why dont You Wait till its Actually Over !!! Your Team is Only 6 yrs
    Old and You think Your Owed a Cup Already there are10 other Teams that havent Won A Cup Yet and they have been Around for 30+ Years at the Least…. So Just Think about it….

  16. Wait, hill is from airdrie? How did I not know this being from airdrie myself

  17. Not a fan of either team. The refs were atrocious again. They ignored penalties and called bogus ones. Hill chops cousins in the head with his stick? Cousins to the box. Dude toe picks himself? Tripping. Cousins cross checked/boarded? No problem. Vegas touches a guys hands with his stick? Penalty. On and on and on. Both ways. Hard to enjoy the game when players are getting phantom calls and real, dangerous penalties are ignored. I wish the refs would get fined $5k per bs call and $10k if the call costs a team a game.

  18. I wasn’t that impressed.
    He was way out of position.
    And if it wasn’t for Pietrangelo, making a better stick save. It would’ve been in the net anyway.

  19. I think if you look at the last five years the teams with the more hyped/hot goalie has come out on the back end of the cup final

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