Golf Players

🔥🔥 How to Square the Club Face at Impact [Every Time!]

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This video is about How to Square the Club Face at Impact [Every Time!] For Golf. For more golf tips and drills please make sure to check out For more golf lessons and instructions please click the “Show More” button below.




✅ 3-Time SW Florida PGA teacher of the year winner!
✅ 27 year Class A PGA Member
✅ David Leadbetter Golf Academy director for 13 years
✅ Conducted corporate outings all over the world
✅ Numerous appearances on Golf Channel
✅ Taught numerous that have competed on PGA, LPGA, PGA Champions Tour, and Canadian Tour



  1. I look at hundreds of video instruction but I like Adam's the best. Someday I would love to take lessons from him.

  2. I agree. You have to experiment with extremes to develop skills. Practice the windows like Tiger. Low cut, then high cut. Low draw, then high draw. Get even more creative…. Try the push/fade, as compared to the pull/fade. Or, the push/draw, as compared to the pull/draw. This will force you to learn these shots from square, open, and closed stances. And also learn how different ball positions help you create these shots. I even advocate experimenting with different grips, while learning these shots. Your body will have to move completely different, to hit a cut, using a strong grip. And do the opposite…. Hit a draw, with a weak grip. He’s right. Learn “skills”, not static positions.

  3. Thanks Adam, I always understand your content, easy ways the brain can understand the golf swing, I really liked the cloth wiping the bench , the swing is all about feels, thanks again!!

  4. good lesson, unfortunately as armatures myself included, we don't pick up on the what the pros are doing at impact, I wasted 40 years when your video is basically the major difference, we swing vertical the entire way, one big loop trying to time the impact which becomes scooping…you moving from vertical to horizontal at impact is the only real lesson anyone needs and once you are made aware, all you have to do is watch any pro and they all end up in that same position…again 40 years wasted!! Hope people appreciate you giving them the holy grail!

  5. Adam thank you. I watched one of your videos yesterday on release described as feeling like a flick of paint of a paint brush. I am wondering how this incorporates this these long brush stroke or in this case wiping off of the bench feel. Sorry I have confused your teaching but just looking to try to get it straight in my head.

  6. Great instruction, Adam makes it easy to understand. Thanks to him my game has improved dramatically. Thank you so much Adam.

  7. I submit an easier way to “square the club face”. Raise your left arm , now lower it, square clubface is automatic. Pay attention to your setup, is the club face square? If not work on it.

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