Golf Players


Here are 10 of the biggest bombshells from the US Senate hearing that none of us have heard about! This was where two PGA Tour officials defended their deal with LIV Golf’s backers. Liv golf and the pga tour have been largely spoken about over the past few weeks and months but there is never ending drama all about the liv golf tour and the pga tour and it just gets bigger.

Tiger woods and Rory mcilory have been in HUGE speculation about the liv golf tour on the plans, it seems like a lot of things have gone on that we had NO idea about! PGA tour officials have a lot to answer for at the minute but here is a LOT of information about the liv golf / pga tour hearing that none of us knew about…

This is huge breaking golf news and breaking golf news that has been trending across golf media and Youtube trending!

I for one did not know about a lot of these key take aways from the liv golf hearing and this is all going to have a HUGE impact on the future of golf including the liv golf tour, pga tour, dp world tour, as well as golf majors including the open, the masters, the us open…

For more reaction to the liv golf tour merger I recommend watching these videos to make sure you don’t miss out on anything!



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  1. I think finally, the players are going to agree to this so long as they have a financial investment. In the whole thing, another was a share or ownership of the team that will go along with it. I mean, can you imagine Rory Macilroys e's team? the shamrock or something. It could be full of all the greater Irish players.😮😮? Likewise, Tiger Woods, can you imagine the players he can select for his team? This would make it really exciting., He doesn't have to play that many events.
    He can work as manager for most of the time.

  2. Great video.

    1 team Norman all the way. Norman is a fantastic man whom has truly been so classy through all the hate.
    2 the pga tour has had no disparaging clauses all along. So pif and the Saudis are no different.
    3 I would hope it’s at the very least 1 billion for all this.

    the “loyalists” getting money for nothing is ridiculous. Give it to charity. Make congress feel better about all this.
    4 no one in all of this wants to lose sponsors. They may lose some. But we see others signing on.
    5 freaking Rory. Just as sneaky as Monahan. And going into this no comment phase is convenient as the Commish.
    6 I do believe they talked about merging in their little 7 week undercover courtship.
    I think more than anything the pga tour began to realize they are being fools competing with people that want to arguably over-invest while also allowing many concessions others wouldn’t. But it’s the fact this group of pga tour leaders are revealed for hypocrisy and manipulation that almost makes the whole thing look super corrupt. It may or may not be but it’s enough to draw the attention of a lot of people they wish were not paying so much attention.
    7 definitely Augusta is the place to say no.
    8 no doubt.
    9. Lawyers are biased for conflict. I’ll agree with that.
    10. Tiger fingers crossed will get to play more events in the future.
    The comments today from the players really show how poorly they feel represented by their brass.

    Did i mention team Shark, who the LIv players in contrast say he has kept all his promises, even if some still push the narrative he lied to players.

    No one should buy that narrative anymore the lying has clearly happened on the other side.

    A lot of these nuggets were requests more than agreements.

    My main take was the politicians took up All the time getting their air time. We can all agree to use the 9-11 families to our favor. The republican basically did a filibuster. Dunne did not come accosss as some world class negotiator or whatever he is. And the other tour guy looked like a villain from some Batman movie, or even scarier roger Goodell.

    Final final point tiger like Rory quietly negotiating for themselves despite publicly stating zero interest really should have them losing players trust as much as the tour brass. I’m a big fan of these two guys, I get no one is perfect, but we have to be honest here and say they poured cannot just trust tiger and Rory. They have as much to gain and lose as anyone regardless which direction they go. And they clearly know that.

  3. I have no sympathy with Norman. He jumped into bed with the devil in order to get his own back against the PGA for some perceived misjustice, got his soft dangly bits mauled and then spat out. He forgot the old Chinese proverb 'before you seek revenge dig two graves'. He got what he deserves if he is side-lined.

  4. Rory has been cooking his own goose, as have Tiger, both sidekicks of Jay Monahan, the whole thing stinks of double-dealing within the PGA Tour. If I was a Tour member, I would be pretty miffed at how all this has been handled. The top execs in the PGA Tour should be asked to leave if a players vote went that way, which I believe might be the best course of action, if they are to salvage the reputation of the PGA Tour, which after what is transpiring, is at an all-time low.

  5. I just have a question….Who do you think has discharged their respective duties in their respective roles….Greg Norman or Jay Monahan ?. Come on, lets be serious !!.

  6. I’m surprised so many people think Greg Norman is the good guy. They obviously haven’t gone back in history enough.

  7. Slow down…read quotes properly “there is NOTHING that stinks…” is what u stated, and is should be “there is SOMETHING that stinks…”

  8. Lol these people are pretending Augusta membership can’t be bought. They are filled with the most powerful people in the world. And this Saudi man who is clearly rich beyond belief, powerful beyond belief , could get in. Look at all the current members, I’m sure they are all greedy and would love to have him in the locker room to tak business.

  9. The PIF has £1 Trillion to spend, this is all at 2030, has far as the Saudi’s are concerned, your very young

  10. Firstly mispronouncing names, it’s blue- men- tharle phonetically. I applaud Greg’s desire to have a world competition; the yanks have had it there own way to long. LIV however is not the way to go, Saudi money no thanks. I’ll keep watching the LPGA

  11. #3 Hmm sounds like a lot until you think about the fact this is for a whole professional league. Individual professional sports teams are worth that and much more. So in terms of the entirety of a league its not that insane. – Do I agree with it especially the origin of the funds? NO but just the $ AMOUNT isn't truly insane

  12. Here is how important all of this is…if they all vanished January 1st (PGA, LIV, DP, LPGA…) I would still be on the golf course come January 2nd 🤷🏻‍♂️. Live YOUR life people and stop worrying about what other people do! People are literally loosing their shit over how many millions millionaires stand to gain or lose. WHO CARES! My life hasn’t and will never revolve around watching people on TV. If you truly love the game of golf then get out there and tee it up with friends or family and spend less time watching what is quickly becoming yet another “reality” show.

  13. In today's economy 1 billion dollars is not that hard to raise in corporate America. So why not explore that? Are far as Price and Dunnes' performance, their body language was pitiful. I'm sure the players picked up on that. I sure did did.

  14. In all of the commentary of the last 2yr, I have yet to see a detailed revenue or cash flow analysis of PGA operations. Where does there revenue come from? Media rights, branding, merchandise,?? How are tourney purses generated?? Sponsors,txs . Who is making spending decisions on retained revenue??

    How much $$ is going to charitable organizations??
    How much is being paid to player retirement funds which kick in after 5-10 yrs of PGA tour membership at Tour level?

    There seems to have been a lot of $$ sloshing around this system which magically appeared in PIP, elevated events, larger pu purses etc.

    Phil seemed to be the only player aware of this.

    If the PGA tour was maximizing it's revenue streams then it seems it had no choice but to "merge" to continue.

    But it is unclear where tye $$ was coming from or going? The biggest events Masters,Open, US Open do not generate $$ for tyhe PGA TOUR

  15. If this deal collapsed.. Pif could easily start their own singles tour now they've outted the PGA as the devious useless ass hats that they are. Players will probably flock to join it, and all because it was okay for the PGA to "want" to merge with PiF. The PGA has opened the flood gates themselves there. 😂😂

    Talk about damned if you do, damned if you don't. The story will get juicer before all this senate lark is over no doubt.

  16. This is such a travesty. In America, free speech is the foundation of a Democratic society. We value the first amendment more than any………….Wait a second. There is something more valuable in America way beyond free speech. MONEY. And in the end money will rule the day. If this agreement goes forward, and players are not able to voice opposition to the blood drenched, human rights deniers known as the Saudi government, the time will come when the merger will be rationalized and MONEY will be the Bible/Quoran from which all parties are guided by. Golf is a game, and so unimportant in an issue like this, and yet, I seem to be the only one who comments from this perspective. Are there Americans who are ready to settle for "watching the best golfers" in the world play a GAME and who totally forget 9/11? This makes me sick.

  17. PIF will get Tiger a gold plated Buggy so he can get the 10 rounds in………………….

  18. US govt should stick to what they do best. Causing inflation and pissing off the Russians to the point that the US gets nuked.

  19. I was surprised that Ron Price kept saying that the NewCo would be a subsidiary of the PGAT. I thought the Framework Agreement said the DPWT, LIV and the PGAT would be contributed to NewCo which makes NewCo an umbrella company. Significant difference between the two.

  20. Don't forget the PGA were registered as a charity in America for 50 years before 3 weeks ago. Didn't pay a penny in taxes.

  21. the sponsors will not back out if the pga is doing the tour. The sponsors "beliefs" and "strongly held morals" will blow away like a fart in the wind. The sponsors are glad to cancel a person but they would sell their souls to make the money the pga makes them. They have no moral convictions.. they are whores.

  22. They’re doing their best to spend this, however, they want to spend it. I guess people just keep telling them what they want to believe
    You always present a good objective, thinking man’s insight . Greg finally did what he wanted to do create a world tour. And he found the right partners at the right time.
    Saudi money is in everything so you might as well get used to it keep up the good work 😊

  23. 1 billion is chump change for the Saudi's that isn't the real figure of what is "under the table" its probably over 5 billion easily with secret handshake agreements and payoffs. US business leaders are crooked as hell but the Saudi leaders the PGA is now in bed with make them look like choir boys. PGA will retain control? yeah right, money talks and bs walks.

  24. If you read the 1 signed agreement and what it says Liv will still be going strong for the foreseeable future

  25. I think you are getting a little obsessed with this, who honestly gives a shit, it won’t change my life or affect it whatsoever life goes on with bigger shit to sort 👍

  26. Mate.. do you know that the PGA tour players have to pay the PGA $1mm to the rights for their marketing to be used for sponsorship? This is why Phil Michelson was so Pi$$Ed about and declared the pga was robbing the tour players of money! The PGAT again used their tax exempt status and abused its powers. This entire fiasco could have been avoided if Mussolini Monahan didn't have such a big ego. If you want a new commissioner for the new FOR PROFIT PGA N DP TOUR, look no further than the CHAIRMAN OF the Masters Fred Ridley!. What he had done since taking over is nothing short of spectacular imo.

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