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The Softest Bodybuilder Back Workout ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’€ (Alex Eubank & Max Euceda)

This is the softest bodybuilder back workout you will ever try! In this video, bodybuilding fitness influencers Alex Eubank and Max Euceda show you how to do a a lazy back workout that won’t build muscle and make you not look or perform like an athlete.
This back workout is perfect for people who want to tonify and strengthen their back muscles while adding pain. If you’re looking to get a killer back workout that doesn’t involve any heavy weightlifting, then this is the workout for you! It will make you a soft bodybuilder. While an athletic bodybuilding back workout made by me, Martin Rios, will make you strong. Make Fitness Great Again.

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  1. Calling them out for using belts and then showing a clip of you using a belt is wild

  2. I think deadlifts are relative when it comes to back development. I know people who did heavy deadlifts and looked like they didn't even train their back. I think the pull up is the best

  3. Bro they have some of the best natural physiques stfu you obviously donโ€™t know how to train bc u have no muscle

  4. Shut up man, it's their choice not yours, grow up. At least respectfully correct them

  5. Bro. Talk when you have better results. Not everyone wants to live in your world of efficiency in muscle use. It's called being different, not being weak. And if you want to be like everybody else, then you can keep training like this and stay smaller than everyone else. You don't get to talk about the growth of muscle on other people that are more experienced than you.

  6. Dude be careful about what you're saying, I wear a belt all the time because of an intestinal disease. Matter of fact I'm not supposed to be able to lift at all but thanks to my psychiatrist through the VA who got me on a medication regime that is permitting me to lift. I can't work my abs or do any torquing exercises which is why I had to give up the Martial Arts which I did for more than 30 years. You're correct on the fact that it does make your core weak but I'm just so happy to be lifting again!

  7. Martin and his dumb twin is the softest and dumbest Fitness influencer to ever exist ๐Ÿคฃ๐ŸคŒ

  8. Look at their body and look at yours they both dwarf you. Also ur soft for just constantly studying everyone's body and bashing them

  9. Deadlift is definitely one of the biggest back builders but it also carries the greatest riskโ€ฆ. You can obtain an amazing physique without risking your lower back, or you can risk your lower back and get way stronger and possibly bigger.
    Funny how these guys started lifting 3/4 years ago got out of university a year ago and act like they know everything about fitness, when I guy like Alex has been lifting since he was what like 12

  10. Why is this dude bashing other people for no reason, this dudes a complete lame and honestly, I feel real bad for their mother. She must hate her life

  11. Bro the deadlift is crap for building your back because it doesnโ€™t hit your upper back at all and is proven to cause back injuries

  12. How about shut the hell up just let people do the workouts they want to people arenโ€™t lazy or brain dead if they donโ€™t do the exact work out as you people do different workouts towards what they want their body to look like if anyone is brain dead itโ€™s you man just stop posting youโ€™re a joke all you do is teach the fitness community to make fun of and judge people just because they work out differently stop posting

  13. Ainโ€™t it crazy how bro disses using a belt then uses a belt in the deadlift clip, aswel as disses using smith machines within other videos and uses smith machine in that same clip

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