Golf Players

You Won’t Believe How EASY This Makes The Golf Swing!

Prepare to be astonished by this SIMPLE yet effective technique that will revolutionise your golfing experience and swing. Without changing a single thing in your swing, you can discover and easy this makes the golf swing and overall game!
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  1. Excellent suggestion Harry about "FOCUSING" on a spot on the golf ball! I have been doing this and it's surprising how more pure the strikes on the ball are. On occasion, when I don't do this, I'm not really focused on the golf shot and the ball could go anywhere! FOCUS definitely is the answer Harry! Good Job!

  2. I like this suggestion for improving focus. It also keeps you down thru the shot, instead of looking up before impact. I was taught to look at a blade of grass just in front of the ball (with irons), so the idea of striking the ball, then turf could be realized easier. Iโ€™m going to try the blue dot on the trail side of the ball and see how it goes. As for what content Iโ€™d like, the updated chipping techniques we talked about would be great to see. Thanks, Harry!

  3. it's kinda like hammering a nail, if you lose the focus of the head of the nail it will be bent. i gotta use this more when striking the golf ball. thnx for the help.

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