BOMBSHELL ALERT! This for me is THE biggest bombshell in golf for a long long time! BOMBSHELL ALERT! Documents have been confirmed which shows Liv golfs plans for both TIGER WOODS AND RORY MCILROY! The huge question that is on everyones lips about this, is did TIGER WOODS AND RORY MCILROY know about the liv golf and pga tour merger before other professional golfers and have they been hiding it

There is HUGE gossip in documents included this video that we will be going into as well as the reaction across social media. The liv golf and PGA merger drama never seems to end, there is a HUGE bombshell that has dropped all about a meeting between the PGA board, the Liv golf tour, PGA tour, PIF members and TIGER WOODS AND RORY MCILROY!

There has been so much talk about the future of golf, which professional golfers will join and play in the liv golf tour, the merger, the pga liv golf merger and so much more.

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  1. bruhhh…..
    you have to quit speculating, and then following up speculation with loaded accusations framed as questions.
    empirical data will always trump anecdotal data.
    I am starting to feel like you are turning into a teenage girl stirring up drama by exploiting something I would bet nobody cares about. With all due respect, I for one am not happy about it but also don't wear dresses and play tag during recess.

  2. It's taken me a while to digest this bulls** testimony. This is unbelievable rubbish.
    It has been said before and worth repeating, there is a huge difference between buying a football club or hiring a few greedy galacticos; this is buying golf, lock stock and barrell. Those involved should be ashamed that they are a party to selling an entire elite sport. These are money men not sports people, they are driven by deals and cash and not the beauty of the game.

  3. The point of Tiger and Rory owning LIV teams was part of a slideshow called "The Best of Both Worlds" that was designed by PCP Capital Partners so I dont think they where aware of it, but the plan was probably to try and turn them at some point. When it comes to the meeting with the Rory and the Prince if that happened it was probably before the agreement and maybe a way for Rory to mediate in the ongoing drama leading to the agreement.

  4. It's my understanding that those proposals were rejected from the start. Along with membership at Augusta and the R&A for the head of pif. Now ain't that a joke! Clifford Roberts would be spinning in his grave with the force of a jet engine

  5. Money changes alot of thought processes.. throw enough money around, you will get the outcome you desired.

  6. Best not put any cash on Rory for the open as more flack coming his way. More resignations to follow as well. Keith P is my bet.

  7. Alex why is tiger in anyway a part of any conversation when he can't even play do to injuries

  8. I have never ever trusted Tiger or Rory as they are only working to take over gold for themselves??? Prove me wrong on what has happened in the last couple of years… You have to remember that Greg was a brilliant golfer and an even better businessman.. Greg never gets beaten when it comes to business deal..

  9. Team golf zzzzzz. Will never work. Tennis tried it. They are individual sports. Creates no drama besides the Ryder Cup.
    Flying Aceholes vs Farm Goats? Scintillating 😂 😂

  10. Let’s be honest. We all knew they both knew what was happening. Hell tiger done released his long time caddie to Patrick cantlay. Cmon now

  11. You’re taking part of a “best of both worlds” PROPOSAL and acting like it is a contract. This was a pie in the sky ASK. Aim high, then discuss.

  12. Tiger Woods is Not even a marketable asset, as far as playing or being a top player, I have no interest as a 61-year-old man watching him Coming in the bottom of the field they’re much more deserving golfers.

  13. Stop repeating yourself or many of us will unsubscribe – get to the point unless you’re trying to prolong the video to advertisement time because you’re wasting our collective precious time.

  14. Like the world has turned upside down, Golf has turned upside down. Like Biden has sold out to the CCP, The PGA has sold out to the Saudis. I have no respect at all, for this US Administration and the PGA. I've boycotted Baseball, Football, and Basketball. Now add Golf to the list. Hopefully Tennis won't let me down.

  15. Why is everybody getting so upset about this they where offered millions and turned it down. Plus this is there live and nobody's business but there's. No matter what they decide to do is no bodies business but there's.

  16. Tiger is the PGA Tour's largest creditor. His pension, based on win's, top 10's, and years of service, is estimated over 1 billion dollars. I think Tiger wants nothing to do with LIV and rejects any and all offers. Money has no effect on him anymore, his body is broken, but he will be the face of the PGA Tour moving forward. Legacy is important to Tiger and others who have chosen to stay and "earn" their OWGR; the pay has always been the reward, not the incentive, for good play.

  17. I feel so sorry for the top players, unwilling to compete in more than 26 competitions. Work only 6 months a year, what a great job that is. The fans and those amateur golfers who purchase the golf clubs, shirts, trousers, golf balls, which all fund their deals with the manufacturers. Those same golf fans who work much more than 36 full weeks a year, some 7 days a week, struggling to make ends meet each week, the real World, outside of the gravy train that the top golfers enjoy feeding from. It's not just golf, its sport at the highest level in general. Greed has taken over, in sport, and has been getting steadily worse, culminating in what we see NOW IN GOLF, A POWER STRUGGLE MIXED IN WITH GREED. Rory and Tiger have known much more than they are willing to admit, and this bombshell just made Rory a double dealer in all this. Saying one thing, while holding talks with what he regarded as the enemy at the same time.
    How can Rory ever face the other players now.

  18. I'm really over the the Tiger Woods crap. He's not a good person (his former caddie just came out in secrecy talking about how abusive Tiger Woods was to him, not that this should be breaking news… we know Tiger Woods is a scum bag). He was great for the game when he was playing and was in his prime (he played a gargantuan role in the highly competitive golf fields we have today)… now there's really no good reason as to why any of us should have to put up with the guy. It's bad enough watching him try to play golf now and feign injury every time he begins to play poorly. And yes, Tiger has been notorious for doing this… why hasn't he ever feigned injury when he's been playing well and I understand that he probably has had legit injuries over the years due to his excessive steroid use (which I'm not against steroid use btw, but people in sports who due tend to struggle with injuries )and recently what was likely a dui car crash, but he holds the all time record of feigning injuries while playing. Like Zalatoris for example who was leading a tournament and had to drop out due to injury (that's a real injury), but I digress. He should be like Palmer or Nickolas who hosts a tournament every year in his name… outside of that, should we or the players have to put up with the guy? I hope not.

    Don't get me wrong I was on the guys side around 2010 when he lost his media protection… and it's weird because the majority of the public including the golf fan public turned their backs on him during that time. In the years since he's regained his media immunity and everyone sucks him off like he's this great guy who can do no wrong. It's weird how the media shapes societies perspective on things like this and since he's been under their protection he's sticking his crippled hands in every pot and we have to put up with the prick. He should have nothing to do with pif/liv or the future of golf. He's not even a player anymore. Put him on the senior tour or something if he still wants to hoe his name out.

  19. I click on this video in my suggested thread and it announces "private, unavailable"

  20. I doubt if Tiger and Rory knew about the LIV team plan beforehand. Tiger and Rory's TMRW Sports announced a golf league called TGL a few months ago. This golf league is scheduled to start January 2024 on Monday nights.

  21. This is why all of a sudden Rory has been so quiet lately and his poor play over the last yr, seems like this was playing on him

  22. Not that much of a mystery about Norman going…..Tiger asks…"Want me on board?….Norman walks…"

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