Golf Players

Capt. Albert Ponzoa | Mill House Podcast – Episode 89

In 1959 when Castro was on the eve of taking over Batista and the future of Cuba was unknown, Florida’s fishing intelligence would soon hit pay dirt. Over the next six decades many of our premier guides, anglers and commercial fishermen were descendants of the mass exodus from that small Island only ninety miles from Key West, including our guest today, Albert Ponzoa.

Albert was born later in Miami in 1962. He was the only male in the family, but as he says his two sisters have his fishing DNA. His 95 year young dad, Lucas, used to motor his panga right down the Marathon flats and drop anchor where ever he wished. We knew who he was and where he came from. We loved it!

His son, Lucas Jr. has followed Albert’s love into the blue water of the gulf stream as an offshore guide, commercial lobster diver and supplies the locals charter boats with pilchards. Fishing and love of the ocean makes this family whole….

I’ve known Albert for many years, but more so of his reputation as a stellar, fishing wizard. When his peers spoke about him it was always with great admiration and respect. He was always pushing and running his skiff further than others with profound success. He never pursued the tournament strife, but if he would’ve, the names on the bling would be different today.

He has been a successful commercial fisherman as well as a traditional guide, making his fishing dexterity most interesting. Albert played an important role in how we tarpon fish today through the precise techniques used with worm flies. His concerns for conservation and what he’s seen and knows has to be heard.

On today’s podcast we cover a fishing spectrum very few in the lower Keys have ever seen!
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  1. Some 20 years past, fishing for eats Mutton Snapper, not bonefish, just outside the Andros reef about 100-150' with two native Androsians who were handlining…after two Muttons got shark bit they stuffed the head section with small can of Drano and fed a large Tiger about 20 feet below …we were anchored with Conch shells stitched together about 3' diameter in which they had stuffed various roasted fish parts for chum…the Shark problem went away…they were fishing to eat and sell so they took the necessary action…Mike(had house on Fresh Creek) and I, in Mike's Whaler, took them out…

  2. There are interesting correlations between the 08'/09' freeze, the BP oil spill of 2010, and drastically declining Bonefish and Tarpon populations in the Keys and other parts of Florida. It makes me wonder if these fish migrated to a different part of the world. Is there anyone in Belize, Costa Rica, or the Caribbean who have seen population increases in Tarpon? Where did all of the masses of Gulf tarpon go?

    Also, can someone just eat a bunch of fricken worms and stop guessing as to what they do to fish physically. Eat the worms and tell us what happens!

  3. Fun to hear him talk about catching trout off Nixon's place on Key Biscayne. There was a good bonefish flat right by there also. I believe it was Mashta Cut. The Coast Guard would chase you away after awhile.

  4. These interviews have been super enjoyable. You two are very good at this.

    I'm hoping you can talk Mr. Hoover into sitting down for one.

  5. BTW I still have photos of large amounts of trophy snook tarpon and peacock bass dead from that freeze. The smell was horrific around Broward county canals

  6. A true gentleman. His son is an absolute beast. He'll be one to watch. Helps that he has a great teacher.

  7. Great interview with Albert, as well as other Middle Keys legends such as Harry Spear, Scott Collins, Dustin Huff, etc. Would suggest having another Middle Keys legend, Jimmy Gagliardini. Probably one of the fishiest guys on the planet, and flies under the radar. Has done it all (inshore, offshore, big game fishing all over the world, etc.). Also, very involved with conservation (has been to Tallahassee several times on various issues) and is a very unique person. Those guys mentioned above would be good references for him if needed.

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