Golf Players

Out There: John Fitzgerald

From Zero to Hockey, knee surgeries and mental-health struggles, John’s had to fight for everything he’s achieved. Donovon Piscopo and AVE attest to his hard work and strength of character.

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  1. Would never happen but Kevin Rodrigues in one of these would be really nice

  2. John Fitzgerald was the main reason I got into Hockey and it quickly turned into one of my favorite skateboard companies. Love watching this guy skate 🙌

  3. Always appreciated John's skating, this made me love it/him. Thanks! Series is not just yet on Epicly Later'd level, but edging ever closer 🙂

  4. So easy to forget how hard life is for everybody – sometimes we think a pro skater has it all and it all must be this dream. It's helpful for all of us to be reminded of the inherent challenges in life – the ups and downs. Thanks, Jon – for being open to sharing. Thanks, Thrasher – for tastefully handling the sensitive topic! I love skateboarding, forever!

  5. Man, hes actually pretty decent on those speed snd heavy bags. For a dude who got into fight training late in life, hes not too bad

  6. ok someone please inform me.

    did iii jus hear Patrick from vice during the art section??? Also these feel like thrashers version of “epicly later’d”

    if not regardless these are Fucking Awesome (hella hockey connection pun intended)

  7. He’s got that Ben Schroeder stee, anything he does he looks fucking sick. Imagine catching a jab to the nose from this dude, you’d die

  8. Skateboarding and Boxing both take heart, so cool. I’ve always liked the both but just started boxing training last year, and glad i did.

  9. Yo John! if your reading this, just want to let you know your one rad mf who shreds like a beast. Keep being the best version of yourself. You are blessed big dawg. 🥊 🛹

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