Can You Spot the Very Subtle Difference? [Comment and Explain]


  1. I feel like this dude would give good tips and I'd be more invested in his channel if it wasn't so… ambiguous and short for the 'shorts' format optimization.

  2. Hardest thing for most people to get because everyone thinks move or turn your weight into the trail side. Good luck with that.

  3. In the first the hips stay level as they turn which causes upper body and head to move forward. In the second swing the hips tilt causing upper body and head to stay back.

  4. On the first one, his head stays to the left of that lamp post in the distance. On the second one his head drifts slightly to the right of that lamp post. Is that what they are calling a reverse pivot? Very hard to see anything wrong because has such a perfect swing!

  5. Compare right shoulder/head to light post in distance. 2nd one stays equal/behind it. Causes handle of shaft to point across line in first

  6. Use the stadium light pole as a point of reference. He sways to the left on the first one. The stadium lamp pole stays center of head through out on the second one. Meaning his right shoulder does not go so far over to left. Making his chest open and waist turn vs creating a tilt.

  7. The first one has no weight shift similar to stack and tilt. The second swing allows a weight shift and the head to drift back.

  8. Ya, you’re not straightening your right leg when you take the club back in either video. Necessary.

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