Golf Players


OH MY! A new email has just been leaked all about the cover up of the leaked pga document regarding Tiger Woods point of view on the new liv golf tour and pga tour merger. The liv golf and pga tour merger has been breaking news but this has escalated since Tiger woods responded to a huge document that was leaked!

This document is a PGA tour document and tiger woods response has now raised big questions! Tiger Woods took to twitter to respond to this leaked PGA document and golf fans across the world have gone crazy over it! However, more information has been leaked including a very shady email about the pga tour cover up with tiger woods and you HAVE to read this

There has been a lot of talk recently about the liv golf tour and pga tour, and how the liv golf tour and pga tour are merging. But now Tiger woods has opened up about this leaked document! We have seen the likes of Matt Fitzpatrick, Rory mcilroy be honest about the situation with Liv golf, PIF and the DP world tour with regards to the LIV golf tour and the PGA tour merger.

This email includes additional details about the cover up of the liv golf pga tour, and i honestly can’t believe what I am seeing. This is breaking golf news and major breaking news that I am sure golf fans across the world will be shocked at.

Find out more about the liv golf leaked documents here in another video i did:

Tiger woods reacts to leaked documents:

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  1. The script doesn't really surprise me. Let's face it and this is from my own experience, pro golfers are not too bright, some are a sandwich short of a picnic. So a script for them to use drawn up by a lawyer probably made sense. Liv was or at least it might have been thought that they were contemplating litigation. Some might have said the wrong thing therefore prejudicing the PGAs position. The PGA were underhand but does it really surprise anyone? They were scared, I reckon losing control was their biggest concern. No more monopoly of the players. Jay Monahan should be kicked out of the governing body as he was the CEO and he would have known and if he didn't, tough, the butt stops with him. With Liv backed by Pif the tours will be better for the players, not because the winners cheque gets bigger but because everyone who competes gets at least money to cover expenses.

  2. A lesson to be learned by all professional golfers… Stay out of politics, its way above your paygrade. Just go out and play good golf, keep smiling and earn your millions. Imho

  3. I have been saying from the get-go, this is the same situation as world series cricket back in the day. The Australian cricket board was controlling everything including the money going back into the players pockets. There was a breakaway competition….. disruption ensued…. the players got more money and say…… the sport eventually, eventually…. sorted itself out and became a much better product. I believe greed started this but common sense will prevail. NO SURPRISES about what is coming out

  4. Privileged people squabbling over extreme privileges and privileged people analysing it. Nobody in all of this has any perspective on just how fortunate and privileged they all really are? All this about a ball game played on privileged real estate (P S. I'm a privileged golfer).

  5. US gov needs to stay out of all this. Maybe they want to get involved because they (politicians) have monetary interests at stake.

  6. I think it was prepared by the PGA but never used and I agree Tiger would not have said those things. The whole situation stinks and JM needs to go and probably KP as well. All this proves is all the things Greg Norman said were true, in their desperation to hold on to their Fiefdom they have they have shown how corrupt the Tours are and it is a Myth that it is for the players.

  7. Good bye Jay…gonna get boot👍👍👍Greg will become commissioner..
    ..he has vision and passion for world wide golf…PIV…PULLING PURSE STRINGS👍👍👍⛳⛳⛳

  8. Whos leaking this stuff lol , your just getting scripted yourselves 😂 un paid as well …

  9. Don't know why people are so shocked by this.
    This is pretty standard stakeholder management for any corporate initiative or proposal. Work out who you need support from and work out how you get it. They needed the players on side so who better to do that than the likes of Tiger and Rory. Not unusual to have a script either, or at least to have the key messages.

  10. Guys, excellent job your all doing on keeping us up to date on all PGA / LIV activities, as I'm new to this subscriber and not knowing if you've covered this in the past but just seeing Bernard Langer with the USA Seniors Open, I need to understand what legislates for anchoring and non anchoring of his putting.
    You can clearly see he's got the putting grip locked onto his chest and his left elbow is locked into the side of his torso, surely this must be an irregularity or are the tour officials being lenient as he's a senior player.
    Would love to hear your views.



  13. So what?? Why is this different than any group (or groups) advocating for the same thing to get together and agree to “get their story straight” so to speak? Helping each other by comparing notes and saying the “same” thing is normal by any standard. Both groups were using each other for the mutual benefit of each other. It happens everyday. You two guys are doing it right now.

  14. Remember the old Shakespeare quote..
    "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players"
    Looks like Jay is the producer of the PGA Golf show!

  15. Pga and dp tours were already backed by Saudi money. All tours were looking to be filled under one umbrella for a reason. And that is control.

    All this is not about players, it's about money.

    What was once a prestigious sport, is now just the NFL and NBA. A rigged sports league.

    Forget all the history of this sport, it now means nothing moving forward, money and its wild sums paid to players have killed the game.

  16. It's big business, let's not be naive here and think this sort of shady business doesn't go on just because it is golf. Tiger wouldn't do this? But he did cheat on his wife with over 120 women, yeah what a stand up guy he is. Who cares what this document says? Is it going to stop me playing or watching golf? Nope.

  17. Yeah, it must be true because all the media outlets are running with it , just like Iraq having weapons of mass destruction! Right ? 🤔 Oh well it was only 1 million innocent Iraqi’s that got murdered on their own soil ! 😡👎

  18. There's always been drama around Tiger, not all his fault of course, but most of it he brought on himself. This case is most likely a little of both. All this drama gets people talking about golf, but it also could backfire on the PGA Tour as well, if they allow too much of it.

  19. Good question about Monahan. Where is he? What is this mysterious "medical condition"? I could venture a few guesses but for now I'll take the high road

  20. The SAUDI’s will buy are golf and the other big sports as well, that’s their goal. Americans can easily be bought. No morals or values. No patriotism anymore.

  21. Who cares any longer? The professional golf tour as we knew it is gone. The respect previously existing for the players is gone. This is not the sport we grew up with. Greed is a terrible problem. Does anyone remember that 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals. Now they are funding professional golf? Pretty sad state of affairs for that once respected sport.

  22. Tiger may not have seen these, but that doesn't mean he didn't say it. It could be a transcription of meeting notes. I do think though that it's likely the PGA tour did provide scripts, which is not uncommon for big company's to do in public speaking. I think though, what these documents reveal to me is I can understand better why some players wouldn't turn down a big paycheck from LIV. If my company treated me the same way the PGA has treated the players I might take a paycheck from elsewhere too.

  23. Can we all just agree this is stupid lol

    At the end of the day, it’s just golf and they’re acting like this is WW3

  24. Now you can see why people like Sir Faldo are still throwing negative remarks around about LIV. The Establishment have lost their lucrative returns, the bubble has burst. Golf will be better for it. And why isn't that other mouthpiece that has been part of the anti-LIV brigade from the start, R Shills and his sidekick, why aren't they talking about this news..?

  25. Let’s not be naive. It is all about the money,control and power.

    Break it down using a different business scenario.

    You have a company A producing a product and it is made by subcontractors.

    Another company B producing the same product raids your subcontractors by offering large sums of money.

    So it impacts your products worth and you are loosing good subcontractors to a competitor.

    Company A calls to arms it’s loyal subcontractors and the leaders of the subcontractors to present a unified front to support company A.

    Why are so many people reading more into the personalities of the Company A subcontractors?

    The problem is that Company A see’s a solution to ending the pilfering by making a deal with Company B.

    Company A wants to save it’s products but has no loyalty to the subcontractors and shows hypocrisy in making the deal.

    Company A wins a cash infusion and wins the right to control the products.

    The subcontractors are still producing the products of Company A but what do they GET for their loyalty?

    Stay tuned the Fed says wait a minute we don’t like the deal.

  26. Comments in the leaked documents were not said or written by Eldridge "Tiger" Woods. Quit saying if. You already know it was written for him. Just get to the 'why' faster.

  27. Lastly
    Tony Blinken U.S. Sec. of State met with the Leader of PIF in Riyadh just days after the announcement of the Agreed upon merger. (It's unusual for an announcement to precede the actual signing of agreement)
    With American interests at stake, can't you see MBS suggesting that it might be best that the PGA/LIV merger finds only smooth sailing when dealing with the D.O.J. of the U.S.? 🤷⛳🤫

  28. For months I been saying it! Mussolini Monahan can not be trusted. So just how far down the rabbit hole will the DOJ and US SENATE GO to investigate the abuse the PGA had over the past 50 years now? Monahans gold parachute package may come sooner than we think!!

  29. Is all this not now irrelevant as they’ve agreed to come to some sort of agreement/arrangement and no litigation between the two sides ?

  30. PGA can try and backtrack on a potential agreement. LIV will just continue attracting new recruits – from around the professional golf world. And keep on trucking! Plus. DPWorld Tour – would love an agreement with LIV. And PGA will lose out….

  31. I think we should just focus in talking about the game of golf and leave the gossip for the degraded mainstream media. Golf media was much better when the focus was the sport guys!

  32. Very tired about all that… it will just conduct me to stop following those only money maker and oriented guy for cash… and enjoy my own game of golf!

  33. In American politics, and perhaps in many (if not all) other governments, any given political party is given, by their party leaders, scripted talking points. So much so, in fact, they will all use the same key "buzz" words in their rants in front of the media. Jay and the PGA have been no different. We all knew Rory was a bit of a bitch but when LIV emerged his bitch-ness grew 10 fold. JT, Jordan and maybe one or two others were certainly in on it to a certain degree. The rest of the PGA were just a bunch of sheep following those perceived leaders. If you think LIV and PIF didn't know this was happening you haven't been paying attention. In fact I'd wager they helped play into it from their own side scripting Phil (and others) to feed the media buzz for exposure. In the end this will not hurt the merger but will stain professional golf for years to come. The late greats are rolling in their graves … and let's all hope we've seen the last of Jay !!

  34. Look at the payments list for the Player Impact Programme for starters. You appear to have missed a key statement in the from the email – “in support of your DP Tour sanctions”…….DP Tour not PGA Tour…..what sanctions were PGA tour planning…..if I were a DP (World) Tour player I would be very worried….we’re the PGA tour threatening Keith Pelley with sanctions if he didn’t join the PGA Tour anti PIF stance….we’re they scripting Pelley…. Someone must have all those court documents downloaded. If the PIF falls through then the PGA Tour is toast….they are so closed shop parochial and protectionist (like most American corporations) that they have no real world view…..reminds me of the World Series Baseball that only takes place in America……Trump almost got it right….make America GRATE again….😂

  35. Never for a moment, did I believe the young impressionable players were not encouraged as to the tone of their comments.
    Tiger's silence throughout all of this, is never going to bite him in the ass, and I appreciate him for not shooting off his extremely influential mouth. It shows great maturity, or at least good business sense

  36. I’m sure it gets way murkier than this. It’s big stakes corporate competition.
    Or even like a drug turf war. Crips and bloods. Everyone wants a slice of pie. Unfortunately now probably more than ever, money wins over in the end. Rarely does the moral high ground or loyalty prevail. The PGA knew this was coming and would have had ample opportunity to head it off. Instead it’s turned into a shit show. Monaghan needs to fall on his sword on this, if he is as loyal and moralistic to the cause as he claimed he was in the beginning. If he doesn’t, the PGA are hypocrites and as bad, if not worse than the Saudis.

  37. In my opinion…
    Jay Monahan was sacked – not long after the announcement of a proposed merger. This just now helps the narrative around Jay not returning or possibly announcing he is moving on not long after he returns (though I doubt he will return) – you know though pesky medical issues just keep dragging on.
    As to the impact on the deal – I don't think anything changes.
    It was interesting the timing of the original announcement as well as what was announced. Very rarely do groups announce they have agreed to try and make an agreement – they usually just announce the actual agreement.
    It now transpires that Anthony Blinken (Biden Government) was scheduled to arrive (and did arrive) in Saudi Arabia within 24 hours of the original announcement. He was going there to speak to MBS about Oil production particularly for America. We keep hearing about Government investigation into the PGA tour and whether approval will be given for the proposed merger…
    I have no doubt that MBS would have wanted assurances from Blinken (and Biden Government) that the deal will be approved and there will be no issues. This deal will be just one of the small pieces in the 2030 future vision for Saudi Arabia that MBS has previously been pushing.

  38. 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

  39. Personally I’m not that bothered about what the PGA/LIV golf are doing as they they’re not going to stop me from playing this beautiful game or put food on my table.😊😊

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