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LIVE | Women’s 10m Synchro Final | Diving World Cup 2023 | Montreal


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  1. 一个15 一个 16 青春期还在发展,有这能力就是自己努力了,看看欧美的16岁胖的,大腿上都是肥肉,吃的还多

  2. The female commentator is a retired 10m diver for Canada, Jennifer Abel. I believe she made podium at one of the Olympics.

  3. The commentator comforted himself, the Chinese team's outstanding performance was due to the notoriously large amount of training, and the Western team did not perform well because they did not have a lot of training? ! arrogant and jealousy will not make you stronger by vilifying others!😏

  4. 中國隊就如旁述所說Superstar看他們表演水花消失魔術❤❤

  5. These 2 Chinese girls are the best 10m ever. Individually, they both are even better than their coach, Chen Roulin or another former great 10m, Fu Mingxia. They teamed up to do synchro and naturally won the competition.

  6. The Chinese literally in a different class to themselves. After seeing the Chinese, I don’t want waste time watching the competition

  7. A tiny 14 years old Chinese young female brought the world attention to World Aquatic Diving since she won the Olympic gold at the last Tokyo Olympic Games. 💪💪💪

  8. 我國的跳水根本沒有對手,金牌根本隨手可得👍🏼👍🏼🇨🇳🇨🇳

  9. 1:20:16 看著她們牽手進場,牽手上領獎台,臉上洋溢著笑容時,心底誠摯的祝福這兩個小女孩,繼續努力走在自己的光輝大道上 !!

  10. China national competition must be more competitive than Olympics n world championship…look at the lead..all others look like average divers

  11. Teenagers Chen and Quan could likely be in 2 to 3 more Olympics, unless they get displaced by some country mates.

  12. china divers are so far ahead if they are allowed to send 10 teams to the competition, the top 10 would all be from china.

  13. There is a joke that the competition in China's domestic trials is fiercer than that of the World Cup

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