Golf Players


Oh my…The liv golf BOSS Yasir Al-Rumayyan completely shocked the two highly ranked PGA tour executives during a very sly first meeting! LIV Golf major boss Yasir Al-Rumayyan reportedly left both Ed ed Herlihy and Jimmy Dunne in shock after their first meeting, according to a number of reports.

The drama between LIV golf, PGA tour, pif, DP world tour, the liv golf and pga tour merger just keeps on continuing! It feels like we are getting breaking news stories every single day all to do with the LIV golf and PGA tour deal! This is major breaking news in the world of golf, but why is that the two pga tour execs were so shocked and how come Jay Monahan wasn’t present at the meeting? Find out in todays breaking golf news story.

There has also been some major drama between BROOKS KOEPKA and Matthew Wolff all about the liv golf league. Find out all about today’s breaking news in todays breaking news story.

To find out more information on the latest Liv golf merger then check out the videos below 👇🏼

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  1. Why would Jimmy Dunne want Jay in the room? Jimmy is high finance as is Yasir … Jay would have nothing to contribute.
    Jay id clearly in hiding or maybe he saw his job advertised? (happened to me once).
    Wolff pulled out the 3rd round in one event and then only played 6 holes of the US Open qualifier so clearly the man needs to get his head right. Personal opinion – Wolff would have been better served if he's never got the Taylor Made deal because it's pretty clear that he didn't cope with the demands and the exposure.

  2. All meetings have been very private and I believe all -Rumayyan would at most have 2 others from his innermost circle present . it would have too easy to identify the source and I don't think anyone from the inner circle will risk the wrath of al-Rumayyan. I take that part of it with a pinch of salt until it is independently verified

  3. Alex,
    I'm not a great Monahan fan, but it looks like plausible deniability to me. If it did not get through and news got out, he could say that he was against it all along.
    My view on the merger was and still is, let's wait until the fine details have ALL been put in place until I judge whether it is good for golf or not.❤

  4. Liv is on the rise it will be around a long time. I followed the Wolfe for a while in Thailand, he really has some major emotional gaps was swearing like a truck driver about his play.

  5. Interesting… so 2 things – nothing at all odd about Monaghan not being at the first PIF meeting… that’s normal corporate behaviour.. 2: Matt Wolff… sorry for him but also Brooks and he are elite players… get out if you aren’t prepared to be part of the elite group

  6. Is it possible Monahan knew but was not available? Accepted that the preliminary meeting needed to be held, even though he couldn’t be there?

  7. Koepka gives me the impression of being a poor team captain. Sure Woolf’s the sort of player that would be difficult in your team but a really good captain would know how to harness his talent and help him, not criticize him publicly.


  9. Jay Monahan is not the man to be running the JV. He’s Bernie out of Weekend at Bernie’s . Ed and Jimmy are M&A lawyers and this is their specialty. PGAT need money, PIF want access to American Corp deals to implement their 2030 Plan for Saudi Arabia. The golf play gives them access.

  10. Dude I gave you a shot but had to unsubscribe. You’re just way to clickbaity. Every single thumb nail makes it out to be the biggest story in the universe, you hype it up like crazy, takes 10 minutes to get there, and there’s very rarely anything worth my time. I’ve literally given you like 20 videos, watched everyone, and have been disappointed almost every time. I tried man. I wanted to like you.

  11. Not surprised negotiations started without one man. But I don’t jump to confusions. We will see where all this goes.

    More clear to me is Wolffs issues have nothing to do with the money he got. That’s again such a lame thing to say as a pro athlete. Brooks got more money and is more motivated than ever and more annoyed than anyone with Wolff. Many athletes are motivated everyday despite guaranteed money and the most highly laid athletes are often the most motivated.

    Sure brooks making things public isn’t super nice but maybe he is at that point due to Wolffs actions.

    I for one can totally respect Wolff is dealing with things, but as a professional adult you should act that way.

    This really is what makes the team dynamic so interesting. First we hear guys motivated for the team. But now we hear guys pissed by unmotivated teammates.

    It’s really good stuff.

    But Wolff really needs to get his act together. He is a great guy but if he is a cancer to the teams and struggles any more, he could be out quickly as more and more guys come into LIv. And the thing is he needs LIv team format more than anyone probably. He has stated LIv is great for him. He really doesn’t want to lose this opportunity.

  12. It’s called plausible deniability. If the meeting shows there’s no chance for the deal Jay’s hands are clean as far as the players are concerned .

  13. At the end of the day you don’t know what you’re talking about for sure.
    How do you know Jay couldn’t make it or told them to go on his behalf because it would go more under the radar if he wasn’t physically there. He might have been on zoom lol.
    My guess is that the US won’t allow it to go through

  14. As I said before on these comments, J. Monahan has shown from the beginning he is not the man for the occasion. He's totally drowning. Whatever the outcome of this mess, he is not the man for the position. It's one thing being impressive in front of athletes who have had little if any management/business experience, let alone at "high level", but as soon as he is thrown in with the real sharks (PIF).
    I believe we can make a parallel with the whole story of how the Titan submersible came to be… and how it ended.

    If you've hired, recruited and had to deal with people at a relatively high end of a company, you can tell in Full Swing that Koepka is not captain material. Way to big ego and "short fuse" temper…

    As for Wolff, when you watch some of the early Taylor made videos where he appeared with other TM team members, he is the "nerdy adolescent" who is not at all ready to be in that type of company ! When there is a general question, he jumps to answer first although he has McIlroy, DJ, TW, etc around him… No trace of any humility whatsoever. Listen and learn first.

  15. It's no matter…professional golf has self-destructed. Lifelong golfer in total disbelief.

  16. This merger has nothing concrete, in writing,explaining how it will workout for the players.STRANGE! THESE3 guys and meeting seems they are meeting and are just listening to the. DOORS song,z" When Your Strange" smoking little weed and accomplishing nothing,zero. They should at least listen to the entire album, note,weed is legal in London.this whole merger seems we all will wind up on , "THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON !

  17. Just watched 30 minutes of LIV London, and honestly, it is unwatchable. Half the field wears shorts, looking like amateurs, fans are drinking, taking photos, while loud music and talking can be heard around the tee and greens. The talent falls off quickly from the top-ranked players, and don't even get me started on teams – it's not that interesting. The broadcast is horrendous, David Feherty hamming it up with his stale jokes, cameras jumping all around; no drama or suspense, just a glorified members-guest tournament with no purpose.

  18. You may continue to talk about the feud between LIV and the world… but what Koepka said about Wolf is dramatic… here the statement: “I mean, when you quit on your round, you give up and stuff like that, that’s not competing,” Koepka said. “I’m not a big fan of that. You don’t work hard. It’s very tough to have even like a team dynamic when you’ve got one guy that won’t work, one guy is not going to give any effort, he’s going to quit on the course, break clubs, gets down, bad body language, it’s very tough. I’ve basically given up on him. A lot of talent, but I mean the talent’s wasted.”

  19. I enjoy my club golf not really interested what the multimillion airs do with there life it's not going to affect any club golfer most of them are spoilt brats

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