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LIVE | Women’s 10m Platform Final | Diving World Cup 2023 | Xi’an

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  1. Quan is experiencing the transition period from a cute girl to a young lady. It's not easy. Her coach, Ruolin Chen, who won 5 Olympic gold medals, did not eat dinner for 5 years just to control her body weight.

  2. It's almost not even fair. Which is going to make a bigger splash? A stick or a rock. "No ass no splash"

  3. 不想再看了,换了一个女生做导师,这个才女真的是一点进步都没有!为什么!

  4. That British girl, Andrea, is very good. One of the few divers comparable to the Chinese divers. There is still a huge disparity in the final score but her dives are a pleasure to watch. Of course, both Chinese girls, Chen and Quan, are the best. Perhaps the best ever.

  5. Quan is from China, not from Tokyo as said by the reporter on her 1st round.

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