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LeBron James ADMITS that Michael Jordan IS THE GOAT – 2023

LeBron James says he tried everything to be Michael Jordan


  1. Whether he admits it or not it doesn't matter. We ALL know Michael Jordan is the greatest so far.

  2. Bill Russell is the most valuable player in the NBA. If you don't know it Bill Russell won 11 NBA champion chips with the Celtics out of 13 years I believe. Michael Jordan is the greatest player I have ever seen in the NBA. I have watched the NBA for over 60 years folks. Just my opinion.

  3. People can say what they want, but none of these great players give a damn about your stats. They went to the NBA to get championships, not to get high stats. Even lebron said that. Once you get those rings, we might look at your stats with how you won. You go for stats, and now you aint have a team. This generation seems too focused on turning basketball into a 1 man game.

  4. GOAT debate should be between MJ/Kobe & Kareem, unfortunately for Kobe he is the MJ of 2000s but he is def the 2nd GOAT behind MJ followed by Kareem. The social media of 2010s and the present help lebron existance like his superstars teammates and superteams. But, LeBron shouldn't even in the debate, the last 5 years, he was just chasing stats with his super teams. He has to join 3 different teams to win, in every 1st year of his new team he got beat up badly or missed the playoffs that in the 2nd year of his every teams, he has to trade most of if not eveyrone for new superstars ans veteran allstars of his sights like. His Lakers tenure isn't something to convince for GOAT debate, 1st y3ar missed playoffs, 2nd year hebhas to trad eevryone to get AD and guys he wants, AD won them that championship while Lebron cherry picking stats, 3rd got beat up and blamed eveyrone and this year, he supposed to be outbof the seaon as he suad he has injuries or whatever but when he sees Dlo/AD/Reavs and the co. winning games, Lebron suddebly hurried to comeback and healthy again to play, every wins he take all the credits for himself, every loses its AD/Dlo/Hams fault. 2013-14 he got beat uo badly by the Spurs but luckily for him, Allen saves them from gettunf beat up but 2014, spurs destroyed themm 2015, with all those trades they got beat up hy young and inexperienced warriors. 2016, he has to tradeagain including his coach and saved again by another teammates (oh his blocks) lebron is good for 2nd or 3rd help defende which include that blocks, hebia no good perimeter or 1 on1 defender, hebis good for 2nd or 3rd help defense. Anyway, that 2016 was a disaster for warriors but why the Lebronsexual fans goat has to be down 3-1???? Kyrie has to be the Batman while Lebron picking stats until Cavs cameback and Kyrie hit that game winning shots.
    2018 cavs? That cavs was still stacked and better that the younger teams in East. 2019? Lebron was cherry picking and injured when Lakers wasn't making the playoffs.
    Jesus, Lebronsexual fans will say, hebis goat cause he won 3 rings for 3 teams? What a stupid narrative, he won 3 rings from 3 different teams because he cant win a championship with 1 team in his 1st year and has to trade every assets they have to get superstas and to have superteam to win a ring. While MJ Kobe stayed onlynfor 1 team and win morenring with less years than Lebron. Lebron has to stat pad more for GOAT conversion. He messed up the Lakers offesne in this years playoffs. Dlo/Shroeder/Beasley/Vanderbilt and AD became barely scored and has to lower theirbgames for Lebrons sake and to be able for Lebron to be rellevant in Lakers offense. Cause if you take out the ball form Lebrons hand, he is irrelevant. AD can score/Reaves and Dlo was doing good when Lebron was about to expire.
    Jesus, we should do the debate between, MJ, Kobe, Kareem, Magic, Bird. Lebron fpr aure is a top 10 due to his stats and 20 years of playing, but GOAT? He isn't even in top 5 debate.

  5. Most of us don't hate his game. We appreciate LBJ . ( I am a fan since his rookie years , specifically the time he was facing Howard and nelson , pitrues ) I still remember the buzzer beater of the king " Cavs vs Orlando " man . ( I cheer for him too , before I became a hater )
    Once he admits that he is not the Goat. He will earn the respect that he deserves.

  6. The whole era thing is why LeBron will never get looked at as better than MJ. 80s and 90s basketball was GRITTY, PHYSICAL, AND AGGRESSIVE! The NBA of today is like FOULS GALORE… over everything

  7. LeBron, please Stop it. You know you just won because you joined Wade and Bosh in their Prime. You had Kyrie and Love. You and KD just got easy Championships.

  8. The only reason why you keep hearing the conversation, is not because you are close to MJ. It’s because MJ sellsssssssssssssssssss. MJ is the reason media have success in their shows. When you retire, people will move on just like they do with baseball, hockie, football etc. MJ will be heard for ever. He is GOAT

  9. Man this caption is bs he didnt admit anything. This person is clearly a MJ emotional fan that dont look at facts.

  10. LBJ is smoking. The greatest QB debate was always there until Brady put it so far outta reach. People are asking now is Mahomes the next Brady? Will he be the GOAT whens its all said and done.

  11. Not a surprise, 95% of earth acknowledges that Jordan is the goat by far. LeBron is not even better than Kareem.

  12. It’s MJ and we are moving on lol. MJ is the gold standard. This dude was hyped up by corporate media for business purposes. He’s lucky to even be mentioned in the same breathe as Michael Jordan. They have to push this narrative for young NBA viewers, it does the NBA and all these sports networks no good having MJ view as the goat. They have to market LBJ like this to keep the NBA product generating as many views and dollars as possible. The NBA model is based on individual stars unlike the NFL which is team based. When your model is based on teams then you don’t have to rely so much on a individual player who at some point will no longer be around.

  13. “You never hear the greatest quarterbacks talked about…..” WHAT?!?!? Has Lebron been under a sports-talk rock for the last 5 years of TOM BRADY’S CAREER???? Has he seriously not ever heard a Brady/Montana debate???? Not one?!?!???

  14. Lebron is even a top 5 Laker of all time. Everybody knows that so it's funny that he was ever compared to Jordan. I saw LeBron at a summer league game at U Maas Boston in his rookie year. He could barely play defense and didn't even have a jump shot then. He developed into a better player but he was never a natural great. Facts 👍

  15. YOU DONT EVER HEAR PPL COMPARE QBs FOR WHOS THE GREATEST!?!?!? Is my boy on fentanyl!?!?!? Please stop. Brady has put it so far outta reach right now that the convo has chilled but before Peyton Montana Brady and Elway were being heavily debated

  16. I guess he now realize he can't caught Jordan. Even if he said he the GOAT…. people say Jordan is the GOAT.

  17. I said the same thing. This a lebron hate. Love Jordan thing. It’s like. They diss Crawford accomplishments because the love of Spence

  18. You don’t hear it in hockey because 1 player can’t impact the outcome of a championship like in basketball. With basketball if you can get possession relatively close to the basket you have a good chance of scoring with a hot hand. Hockey it’s much more difficult to gain possession in key scoring areas, then you have a 6’5 goalie to beat. Hockey requires more team depth to win consistently.

  19. Get the mic away from lebron…"and things of that nature". The guy has the worst takes…."and things of that nature" ( maybe read a book past the first page lebron )

  20. there isn't really a debate in Basketball either, whether lebron wants to admit it or not. MJ is the goat

  21. Not true…. QB GOAT debates can last long like basketball debates. And you did everything MJ did? Any slam dunk contests? Just stop comparing yourself to MJ lol.


  23. Labron 😢 You CAN NEVER EVER be like MICHAEL JEFFREY JORDAN,😂 NEVER in any POINT of your, FLOPPING, Cry Baby, Standing Around in the game, Lazy, Can't Play Defense, Resting on Offense, Slow, Can't Shoot Threes, Travels all the time, Plays Dirty, Blames teammates for your Screw ups, Drama Queen CAREER 👎👎👎, NEVER!!!!

  24. We're talking about a guy that never had to figure it out. A guy that college could not hold him. A guy that didnt have to have any great coach. He came out smoking, year 1 day 1. Yes, Jordan's 6 years of dominace is unmatched. But Lebron has been dominant for at least 20 with harder competition.

  25. What makes me mad is the people who make Jordan invincible and don’t accept Lebron is right there. You must accept it can go either way. Screw the championships when Lebron was the best player for 20 years.. longer than Jordan. Also.. better era. Way better. Better game.

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