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NFL & Las Vegas Raiders CALLED RACIST, POLITICALLY BIAS By Colin Kaepernick! Claims He’s ELITE?

NFL & Las Vegas Raiders CALLED RACIST, POLITICALLY BIAS By Colin Kaepernick! Claims He’s ELITE? Kaepernick previously referred to the NFL as Slavers. He also had a deal in place to become a Baltimore Ravens and Denver Broncos QB.


  1. I once watched Colin laugh and goof on at a backup QB make a mistake while on the field. That’s all I needed to know about his character.

  2. If he truly wants back in why didn't play for an XFL or USFL team this off-season? Of course he didn't because he didn't want to show how "elite" he really is!

  3. You all seriously need to stop giving this moron attention. Every time you talk about him you give him validation. If you want him to go away just ignore him.

  4. This dude LOVES attention. All this started when he was benched, proving that he was just a mediocre QB. None of this would have ever come up if he'd always been a starting QB. Remember when he was first starting to play, people thought he was going to be something special.

  5. Every freakin year for the past 30 years we hear about this guy playing again in the NFL… Get over it!!!… HE"S DONE!!!… Go play in XFL or USFL… Noone wants him, or his drama controversy…

  6. There's an old saying, " don't be more trouble than you're worth!". This statement can apply to anyone, a beautiful woman, or an ex NFL quarterback. Apparently, the League felt he was more trouble than he was worth. That applies everywhere in this world. 1:15

  7. Never forget that Kaepernick had two years left on his contract when he decided to become self-UNemployed!
    He’s a professional victim and grifter.

  8. As an ex-fan of the team, they *are* racist… towards white conservatives. The woke owner forced Coach Gruden to resign to save face because the organization supposedly had no room for bigotry. Didn't stop them from signing Hitler apologist DeSean Jackson weeks later, though. Or allowing Ice Cube to perform at Allegiant unvaccinated despite making songs like "Black Korea" which are way worse than old emails roasting a guy for his lips. Antonio Brown physically threatened and called Mike Mayock a cracker, and was still given multiple chances to get his act together before he was eventually released. 2022 offseason the organization pulled their affirmative action card and went out of their way to hire an unqualified black female President. Gave Kaep a tryout just to appease the BLM crowd. Of course the fanbase is full of lefties so most people are fine with all this nonsense, even though all of the team's progress the past 4 years have been flushed down the toilet and we're stuck with a proven loser HC who drafted Tim Tebow as his franchise QB.

    Then there's the Carr situation which most people would say they handled horribly. He doesn't exactly fit the mold they're looking for either. With the direction this team is going they'll bring in Dylan Mulvaney to suit up in Silver & Black as QB1.

  9. Kap sues the NFL and says they're a slave plantation then tries to go back and work there lol doesn't work like that go sue the place u work at and try and work there after and see if that works out for u

  10. He can step on the field and play , play what? Not good football just crap talking 😅😅😅

  11. Kapernick. What a joke. The CFL wouldn't have to no account bum in their league. He takes a knee to get himself in position for what he is best at!!!

  12. LOL This Kaepernick clown (who is half WHITE) claims that EVERYTHING is racist. This guy is a legend in his own mind ONLY

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