Forearm Rotation in The Golf Swing | YOU NEED To Know This…

In this video, we’re going to discuss the importance of forearm rotation in the golf swing and how you can improve your swing with this key swing component.

If you’re looking to improve your golf swing, then you need to include forearm rotation into your game plan. By doing this, you’ll increase your clubhead speed and accuracy, making it easier to hit the ball far and straight. Watch this video to learn more about the importance of forearm rotation and how to improve your swing with it!


  1. You should improve your communication skills which will lead to shorter videos and so increase the initial interest in the viewer . Independently of the quality of your content , immediate att lead to fast forward the video to the point of interest , which will affect the monetization of the video .

  2. The explanation of the post impact arm position matching the down swing arm postition. Ie. Shaft angle/inclination is a great mental picture….. have a great weekend Stu.😊

  3. Great Video well explained and communicated to the viewers ,,i really like the way you drive your points home to the us golfers leaving us in no doubt that your methods work ,,thanks Stu

  4. I hit my drives straight right and have been struggling with why I do that? I can see now that trying to keep the club face pointed at the target while hitting up on the ball has me lifting the club handle up through impact rather than letting the club lay off on the follow-through. Instead of always aiming left on the golf course I will start rotating my forearm and allow the club to stay on plan. Thank you as always for the great insight into the dynamics of the golf swing.

  5. Hey Stuart, nice video. Is the sensation on the downswing the same as a tennis back hand? Thanks

  6. Stuart, always the contrarian, you do know that you’re an outlier encouraging us to use forearm rotation for better strikes. Others are telling us to not rotate our forearms. Hmmm, who do we believe—you, of course, it’s back up by science and data. The science and data win every time, at least, in my mind and game. Keep telling the truth about the golf swing using science and unmanipulated data. Cheers.

  7. Hey Stu, every time i want to neutralise my swing path, i am ending up closing the face. I mainly com 5 or 6 from the inside, when i try to swing from out to in to neutralise, i am swinging the same path with a clubface 6 closed. No matter what i dont get it. When i actively hod the club face open, i shank it…

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