Golf Players

Tren Twins.. Arm Wrestling is S*** 😂💀

In this video, we’re taking on one of the most popular and demanding exercises on the planet: arm wrestling! The Tren Twins did arm wrestling to determine which Tren Twin is stronger. But arm wrestling is not the best method to determine strength.
If you’re a fan of the Tren Twins, then you’ll love this video. As long as you and the rest of the fitness community know that arm wrestling is not a true test of strength. Even if the Tren Twins do it.

#shorts #fitness #workout #gym #armwrestling #trending #trentwins #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #arms #armworkout #strength #strengthtraining


  1. Do not talk about armwrestling please. You dont know anything about armwrestling.
    Armwrestling does not requires medial rotation.
    Pronation, supination, cupping, knuckle up, side pressure, back pressure, shoulder roll, are the main movements in arm wrestling.

  2. Nah

    Many pro arm wrestlers don’t squat bench or deadlift and just do arm wrestling variation exercises, and they’re strong as hell.

  3. This video is a proof that you have zero knowledge about arm wrestling. Sub scapularis is one of the minor muscles involved in arm wrestling, the major ones are forearms, wrists, biceps, pecs etc

  4. Worst test of strength? The main muscle in arm wrestling isn't the subscapularis. Watch some actual arm wrestling, and you'll know that.

  5. What if a stronger girl beats you in a armwrestling mmm? And you reason; 🤓well thats not how you even test your true strength, true strength comes from bench press, deadlift, squat. Like bro? Get a life.

  6. thie guy: casually letting people know "btw there are better ways if you just wanna test your strength"

    comments: and I took that personally

  7. Why are you spreading misinformation on a subject you clearly know absolutely nothing about (armwrestling) , just to get some cheap views?

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