Golf Players

The motivation behind the PGA Tour’s Merger with LIV: Is it all about the money?

In this episode of #TheRightTime with Bomani Jones, Bomani and Slate’s Joel Anderson discuss the ramifications of the agreement between the PGA Tour and LIV, whether or not Phil Mickelson’s reputation will always be damaged, and more.

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  1. No inclination needed to KNOW you are a Spoiled POS if you think anything less than a 5 is "Hate"


  3. Augusta National was heavily built on US oil and gas money…. look at one of their biggest sponsors at each event: EXXON MOBIL… They couldn't be outraged by Saudi Arabian money or partnerships….

  4. This a Gold Starr Episode here!!!! The Clarence Thomas subject matter was very enlightening!!!

  5. America is a sick place. You can turn our buildings into ash, be responsible for a genocide, and America will be like its all good if you pay us.

  6. These people attacked our country and what do we do? Give them more money. We should just annex their land. They are living in the 18th century.

  7. Sooooo if golf is a game that excludes and black golfers decreased AFTER Tiger joined the tour then that means Tiger is………?

  8. Great epi as always 👍 on the point about the merger, hypocrisy was the first thing everyone turned to in the immediate aftermath of the announcement, and I think justifiably so. On the other hand, the moral high ground is only as stable as the money will allow it to be — especially in a country like the United States — thereby, hypocrisy in societies like ours is not an unpardonable sin, bur rather the unfortunate expectation.

  9. very US centric viewpoint on the situation, please look at whats happening beyond your borders

  10. They say "growing the game" because that is the main program that got the PGAT 501c6 nonprofit status. This whole thing stinks to high heaven. PGAT members are getting screwed. The PGAT assets (in the billions) will flow to the for profit, which I guarantee PGAT board members have ownership stakes. Just you watch. You can't buy a non-profit.

  11. Jay Monahan must be fired! Rory Mcllory sided with the Saudi's too! He said that the Saudi's are, "one of the biggest sovereign wealth funds in the world." This is disgusting! Rory also said that "10 years down the line" the world will have forgotten about this. Tell that to the children whose parents died on 9/11! A year ago, I wrote a letter to the PGA a year ago in support of them banning golfers who've betrayed our country to play for LIV golf. Now, the PGA supports genocide, LGBTQ hatred, and they've turned their backs on 9/11 survivors. What does that say about our federal government that sits by and twiddles their thumbs and does nothing. Our government will allow this merger as long as they can make money too. It means what it's always meant. That money and power are more important than human life. This is a dark day in American history. It will get worse.

  12. This merger is a joke. Hope the moneys worth it and you didn’t completely lose your fan base and lose some of the best athletes in the pga league!

  13. In business, there's no loyalty. They should have RAN for the cash grab and left the PGA!! Big Dummies!

  14. Mickelson is the same. A compulsive gambler desperate to pay 10's of millions in losses. He'd sell his mother.

  15. Clarence Thomas's Identity Politics, give the term a bad reputation. So what if he "hates" White people, his career actions, have been nothing but Traitorous for the Black masses, and for this he should never be forgiven or respected

  16. I can’t get Clarence Thomas getting down to Boot Scootin Boogie out of my mind 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂

  17. As a 9/11 widow, I am deeply disturbed by the PGA’s capitulation in joining LIV, the Saudi-run golf tour. I suppose “We Will Never Forget” was just a platitude to placate the masses. Only the 9/11 families can not forget. I was on the phone with my 38-year-old husband, trying to breathe, sobbing, and reconcile his imminent death while I tried to ease his suffering. Telling him how much I loved him, what a good man he was, and that if anyone was ready, he was – he had such faith. All this happened while I saw people jumping to their deaths rather than staying trapped in burning buildings. And then the towers collapsed. Then to tell our eleven-year-old son that his dad was gone to him forever. It has been a long and difficult twenty-one years for us. And we are still trying to hold those like Saudi Arabia accountable for having a part in murdering my husband and over 3,000 others. There is an abundance of information indicating Saudi involvement in the attacks. I and the other 9/11 families want justice from Saudi Arabia. They carried out their terrorist activities here on U.S. soil; thus, it is painful to see our President, government, and historic business entities like the PGA turn a blind eye to the Saudis' infiltration of the U.S. It is shameful, dangerous, and egregious.

  18. "It's not a secret that Mickelson is buying up a lot of land in San Diego if everyone can read it on the news…duh! He's just doing that so LIV Golf can make their own golf course in the U.S.A. ! Give us a brake !

  19. Mickelson has been my "wonder guy" since I started watching golf !(early 90's)I I would wait till he come out behind a tree, and "Walla.." I ròoted for him to take the lead and be my, "handicap winner!" No more…he's just another one of those that "takes the money and run"…(to the casino)! Wish you the best in life Phil, "you'll never be a fan of mine, ever!" I wish you the best.

  20. There are no mergers…just acquisitions. Somebody has to come out on top. LIV golfers beware.

  21. They are making the game more global. The pga tour has worse thugs than the Saudi tbh

  22. Pearl harbor, but we are in business now with Japan and in nato with Germany people change this too will pass

  23. Also, you are wrong about what's happening.

    It's a "joint venture" where the various US entities provide "assets" and maintain certain objects and the saudi's contribute funds.

    Joint ventures are not a merger, so you will need to learn the difference.

    For any of you correcting me.. hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  24. Do you honestly think the 911 families will apologize to Mickelson ?

  25. how can he say Liv is nothing, when the PGA is BROKE? thats why it was a merger, they BROKE and you will hear the truth soon. The Liv train was about to roll ova them, you can't compete if you BROKE!

  26. Great episode…..epic discussion…informative, thoughtful, and thought provoking. . ..

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