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ASHES PODCAST | Why England need to sort their tactics 🧠 | Day three second Test

Mel Jones is joined by Kevin Pietersen and Ricky Ponting as they run through day 3 of the second Ashes Test.

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  1. one of the most important elements in test cricket is batting long to tire out the enemy bowlers and give yourself an escape route out of the game via a draw if needed. England have not batted 80 overs once in this series yet, its like making australia just bowl the amount of overs in an ODI game over 1 1/2 days basically…they have the best bowlers in the world and England are not even trying to wear them out, they are keeping them fresh even if they score over 350+…whereas Australia's tactics for the last 3-4 years has been bat as long as you possibly can because it completely cooks the opposition bowlers by game 3 of any series and Anderson is already showing signs he is nearly spent

  2. England had the most favorable conditions for both bowling and batting throughout the match yet couldn't capitalise on it, Australia's experience and skill triumphing over England's luck.

  3. Australia should declare anywhere between 275-300 and they're winning the game for sure. That's my prediction. I may be wrong

  4. 'Bazball' has quickly morphed into 'Kamikaze cricket' 6-47.England must remember that the Aussies beat India by 209 runs to take the World Test Championship. Gooo Aussies. Men and Women

  5. Bazball – playing your own game, without really thinking about the most important factor – the opposition team.

  6. Bazball way of playing Test cricket is difficult aganist quality Australian attack.
    The English batters got balls buzzing around their ear, that's the Aussies style of bazz ball.
    The world was waiting to see this contest and have enjoyed every bit.

  7. Cant believe inspite of getting the best conditions to bat and bowl, England are in such a position , in their own country…
    Aus deserve to win the Ashes convincly..

  8. Just saw the pommy assistant coach tell us the poms are evenly poised to win the game. I would have been apologising for the teams stupidity.

  9. Brendon Mccullum is here for a reason, to take England's test cricket to it's inevitable end. Btw i am so old that i have watched England's cricket since likes of Nazar, Atherton and Caddik and Gough were playing and they did not need 'Bazball' to beat aussies back then.

  10. No Gordon Greenidge and Larry Gomes in this batting lineup, playing shots is the mentally weak easy option for players like Brook.

  11. This brainless style of cricket from England is not entertaining , it’s just plain stupid. It disrespects test cricket. Bazball is a myth, most of England’s initial success under the new regime was purely down to Bairstow being in the form of his life and rescuing England.

  12. Brainless performances like this by England could kill Test cricket.Who picked this team? Numbers 8,9,10,and 11 can,t bat.

  13. I believe that as a result of his personal tragedy Stokes fell out of love with test cricket and no longer has the appetite or application for the longest form of the game. As for the rest of them they do not appear to have the stomach or mentality for a the variations of a 5 day test.

  14. We had several batsmen in a position to make a big score but they were to obsessed trying to play like a T20 match. When have you ever seen any one in a test match attempt the shots that Ducket and Brooks got out to, just leave the bloody ball and duck out of the way. Someone should tell them they have 5 days to play in a test not 20 overs it's not boring to actually leave a few balls in fact it's using your brain.

  15. Of all England’s batsmen Root’s approach is the most baffling. He is too good a batsman and can score too quickly playing orthodox shots to play like a fool. It’s almost as it he wants his share of the limelight that the more extravagant batsmen get due to their power or inventiveness. The old Joe Root would have been the backbone of our batting order but the way he played in the first innings was frankly ridiculous.

  16. This England team are in danger of looking like one of the worst Ashes sides we’ve fielded in recent memory but it’s entirely down to the approach and mindset not a lack of talent!

  17. I strongly suspect that the England top and middle order have been to the bookies and placed their whole match fee on Australia to win

  18. Its just stupid. City dominate the prem they have changed the sport massively but even they know a balance is needed u dont just bloody attack attack attack. Its ridiculous. If City played Accrington Stanley every week then maybe ok. But like England they dont some times u come up against someone like the Roos and then u just use your heads. Madness

  19. All being said this should be on normal bloody TV. Absolute joke how this on any paid platform. U keep many people away from the sport. Very smart very smart indeed.🙄 Well done 👏

  20. Stokes lack of contribution seems to be affecting his captaincy too

  21. I have a feeling (which I’ve had since day 1 of the first test) that australia will be happy to make England bowl themselves into the ground these first two tests.

    So if they can, I reckon Australia might just bat as long as possible, rule out a loss and make it hard to England bowlers to back up for the next test. Assuming they aren’t bowled out, I can’t see australia declaring before they are at least 500 ahead and not until the last 20 mins of day 4 at the earliest. But I think there is an equal chance of them not declaring until lunch day 5 if they can bat long enough.

    Australia are playing the long game and winning the short game in the process – but their eyes are on the long game prize.

  22. England have blown it. Some of the cricket shots were shameful. Throwing their wickets away. If they are bowling bouncers just drop the hands and swerve. You have a helmet!! Baz ball has made them lose the ashes metal

  23. Personally, England MUST persevere with Bazball. Watching England go at 5 an over and bowled out for 90 is far more exciting then batting at 3.5 an over and making a boring 400.

  24. Could do without the Aussies in the Comms box. One is fine, but two is just Channel 9!

  25. The England bubble has been burst by the standard Australian pin – better batting ,better bowling and better fielding. It's going to be a whitewash weather permitting.Our Captain can't bowl or bat – he's injured and should not be playing.When you add the fact that the team as a whole do not have a clue how to play the short ball I know that we are about to see the worst Ashes performance at home by an England team in history.

  26. Bazball 😂 give me a break! It doesn’t work in test cricket, Especially not against a fantastic Aussie team. We don’t have pace in the bowling line up, pair that with mindless attacking of every ball and you end up 0-2 before Sunday morning.

  27. Kp look more like as if he is in the match while Punter talking very professional 👏 and wise,the same time he is sweet😊

  28. u are likely to win more test matches batting the khawaja way than the bazball way

  29. [Off Topic, I know. But I want to say it and I can’t find anywhere nearer today’s date.]
    I think Kevin Pietersen was a ‘kin Great cricketer and a marvellous asset to the England side of which he was a member.
    During that time, for the record, I had no problem at all with hearing his opinions, which he had as much right to hold and to hold forth, as you or I.
    Watching him bat, I always felt proud that he was batting for England.
    And now ( that I finally have access to Test Cricket ) it’s a genuine pleasure to discover that he’s also an exciting and opinionated commentator who seems entirely natural before the cameras.
    I wonder what else he can do?

    No, I was not paid to post this comment.

  30. Australia are playing International Standard Test Cricket.

    And very successfully.

    What are ….. honestly a serious question…. England playing.

    Whatever it us ….. there is no pride in wearing the Shirt….the there is Peter Lyons…..rubbing in what it means to play at Lords in a Test Challenge vs England……

  31. Leaving Boland out was the right move …Starc has been awesome and seamers bowling top of off have had no impact

  32. and giving them away so cheaply. Just bat a bit smarter we could have been in a totally different position.

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