Golf Players

Trump Reaffirms LIV Golf Loyalty as Controversy Heats Up

The American public’s reaction to the PGA Tour-LIV Golf merger has been unsurprisingly mixed as there is still a large faction of the country that sees nothing wrong with cozying up to a brutal authoritarian regime. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. PGA merged with LIV's 'PIF' so they can all eat it.

    Don't accept blood money or sell out

  2. 911 terrorist, Al Quida, From Saudi, Coincidence or Conspiracy. Some say, (Idiots) that Clinton did it. BS everyone knows it was Tinky winky. Greed is good for me, so FU(Golfers). Most Americans would not afford to be anywhere near these golf clubs. Khashoggi, no one cares, unfortunately. Who?

  3. Money. Here comes the money. Money money money money money money money… I don’t give 2 shi-s about the PGA. All pro sports organizations are corrupt. They are businesses who don’t care about ethics or morality, just money…

  4. I threw my clubs away. This is unbelievable. I will NOT have anything to do with golf.
    I won't even go to the "Red Minister" cemetery in Jersey. No watching any on tv.

  5. No Republican should call anyone a pedophile or pervert unless they speak of the twice impeached, twice indicted with more to come and sexual abuser Donald J Trump, because he is a very sick individual what father would say, if she was not my daughter he would date her, this clown really needs Jesus real soon.

  6. The Young Turks are literally named after genocidal terrorists!

  7. Gotten to the bottom of 9/11?

    Let's get to the bottom of why Saudi royalty paid your son in law and daughter, 2 billion dollars, for some magical reason you've never bothered to provide the American people. 🤔

    As you continue to grift and steal from (the gullible) American people? 🤔

  8. All the people with “ no opinion” clearly has an opinion but doesn’t want to what…go on record saying they don’t care about the Saudi’s because that’s what it sounds like.,.I loved watching the commish melt on tv 😂

  9. I don’t get why everybody mad at individuals taking Saudi money, our government has no problem taking Saudi money😂😂😂😂😂

  10. Eff all the MAGA numbskulls and 45 cult dipshits. They suck, the Saudis suck, and LIV Golf sucks.

  11. Wow. He looks like crap. Old, fat, terrible complexion. And can his Turkey neck get any wobblier? I’ve heard he has bad breath too.

  12. to be fair is kind of hard to pick a side when you're blind to the facts. the undecided vote should not count if they were not prepared to answer the question. but honestly, polls don't give you a full picture. only a small swath that was immediately accessible at the time of the poll.

  13. So basically liberals logic,USA government and Democrats can do deals with Saudi Arabia,its totally fine..but USA citizens doing business with saudi arabia is bad??makes no sense….In 2021, the United States ran a $6.4 billion goods-and-services trade surplus with Saudi Arabia.WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration on Tuesday approved two massive arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

  14. Lol, LIV is PGA. I am loving these clowns twisting and turning.
    1) US government was ok with with the kasogi killing as they did nothing
    2) US sends millions in weapons to Saudi to bomb Yemen
    3) US buys oil from Saudis

    When the US takes the moral high ground then maybe your whining and blaming people for not picking your side would mean anything.
    You lose little guy. Even your government disagrees with you in their actions. 😂

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