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Val di Sole Downhill Semi-final | UCI Mountain Bike World Series

The third round of 2023 sees riders head back to another familiar venue as they take on Val Di Sole’s infamous ‘Black Snake.’ Val Di Sole first hosted the 2008 World Champs and has continued to be one of the tougher challenges riders face all season with a course offering a real test of riders’ strength and technical ability.

You can watch the elite semi-finals LIVE right here on Youtube and watch the elite finals globally on GCN+, the Eurosport App, and Discovery+

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The UCI Mountain Bike World Series unites mountain bike’s major formats under a single brand for the first time. The new UCI Mountain Bike World Series includes the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup for Cross-country Olympic (XCO), Cross-country Short Track (XCC), Cross-country Marathon (XCM), Downhill (DHI), Enduro (EDR) and E-enduro (E-EDR).

Comprehensive coverage from the races captures the excitement through exclusive interviews, analysis, reactions and event highlights. In-between events and through the off-season there are regular features covering technical and rider-based topics. All embedded with the latest mountain bike action from the world’s best riders.

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  1. UCI – Can we please get timestamps for each rider's runs? and is qualifying available to watch anywhere online? I signed up for GCN+ to watch this season and no exageration i'm getting most of the information from rider's youtube channels. The commentary is improving but broadcast quality has gone backwards from last year when it was free

  2. please get rid of Cedric. that dude makes it hard to watch (listen) to the race.

    I would literally pay more money to have a real announcer.

  3. Redbull was 1000% better than this. I can't believe this is what we have to choose from now. No finals and no Rob. This is crap.

  4. Die Übertragungsqualität ist viel schlechter geworden als letztes Jahr, wo es noch kostenlos war.
    Der Drohnenpilot schneidet leider immer wieder den Fahrer ab. Die Berichterstattung ist einfach nur schlecht geworden, keine Spannung, wie es die letzten Jahren durch die Kommentatoren war.
    Man sieht zwar mehr von den Strecken, öfters aber unscharf oder abgeschnitten. Im gesamten für eine Pay-TV Übertragung, für mich, leider eine massive Verschlechterung.

  5. better camera work, commentary is improving, but still a long way off what I've come to expect. Having the finals behind a paywall is a massive fail. I'll never give you a penny. I'll just poach a stream

  6. I guess if a rider is not running a good time they only show a few highlights of that run? We still deserve to see that riders whole run. And not being able to see Seagrave's whole run. Wtf!😊

  7. Wish they ban those stupid chainsaw engines reving in the background …. 🤡🌏

  8. If you turn the volume off, and ignore the way they randomly show different amount of each run, its almost watchable

  9. Its like i'm watching racing with 2 blokes talking random nonsense in the background, its pretty annoying

  10. 19 minutos de puro show en el comienzo….espero allan medicos en el campeonato ya que amaury pierron tenia una vertebra fracturada y la organizacion ni cuenta se dio de eso…me parese un asco pagar para ver…an matado lo unico bueno que tenian los campeonatos….que vuelva redbullTV rob y los profesionales que se merece esta competencia…nefasto negocio el que armaron.

  11. Only showing the very top and very bottom of Finn's run while we saw entire runs of random riders is why people aren't happy with the coverage.

  12. Scratching DH world tour from my calendar this year… Pivot team riders vlog got a 100% better coverange than UCI, this season is gonna be impossible to watch

  13. Are the media team on shrooms ? I'm struggling to understand why a sport that is hot worldwide at the moment gets such poor quality coverage !! I can deal with mediocre commentary, but the footage needs to be 10/10

  14. Horrible live as said in the comments it don't give you any motivation to pay to see the final.
    it's not because you put in more money that you're going to do better, you're killing the best sport in the world with a big sponsor blow.

  15. Why put the name of the elite winner in the title on YouTube? It ruins the whole race for those of us that can’t watch live. There’s no point in paying to watch if you know who won already.

  16. Once again NO FINALS and there will be A LOT of SPOILERS and we CANT watch the FINALS anywhere!
    What a CRAP!

  17. Voll beschissener Zussamenschnitt von dem gesamten Rennen.Ihr solltet euch schämen. Wo sind die gesamten Läufe der Fahrer.. Ich bin zu tiefst enttäuscht dass es keine Live Übertragung mehr gibt, aber das was ihr da zeigt, ist unter aller Kanone😮😢😢😢😢😢

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