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Positives and negatives of PGA Tour-LIV Golf-DP World Tour merger | Golf Today | Golf Channel

Mike Tirico joins Golf Today to discuss the repercussions from the announcement of the merger between the PGA Tour, DP World Tour and LIV Golf from both a fan and money perspective. #GolfChannel #PGATour #LIVGolf
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Positives and negatives of PGA Tour-LIV Golf-DP World Tour merger | Golf Today | Golf Channel


  1. You don’t have to like it and you don’t have to support it. Vote with your wallets

  2. Jay Monahan and the PGA had no clue what they could be up to on the lawsuit … unfortunately in the end the court wanted the PGA (Jay Monahan) to open their books but Jay M. refused …. that decision was a catastrophic error a blunder of EPIC proportion …. as such the PGA and JM was Checkmate. Jay lied to the PGA players …. he told them "don't take the $ dont go to LIV …. in the end he did the exact opposite … Jay took the deal (only who knows how much $ he is going to get from this deal ) and sold the PGA….. talk about Hypocrisy that is Jay Monahan….

    Choker Rory McIlroy nowhere to be found … he and Cry baby Billy Horcshel are at Hooters with Greg begging to get a deal …. unfortunately there is lol nothing left for them except a job at the cleaners. Good for them what goes around comes around.

  3. "Products" have to have a market. So, it will be up to the consumers whether it sells or not. Personally, I'm not buying….

  4. You can try to propagandize this all you want but the truth is the PGA tour just allowed a terrorist nation to take over golf

  5. The PGA may have recognized those law suits were going to damage their product and this was juat easier.

  6. What's the difference in proposing this merger in 2002, one year after 9/11, and proposing this merger in 2023.? The difference is too many Americans including Monoghan don't care about the 3000 lives lost 09/11/2001. It's been 20+ years since that occurred, so yeah just forget about it, and move on. Bottom line, the Saudi government was involved in that attack on our country.

  7. idiot. the problem we have is with foreign government ownership, not foreign individual ownership of a sports team/league

  8. When the LIV guys left there were a number of spots that opened up on the PGA tour. Do those guys just get punted to the said? They earned their tour cards. On the business side, the Saudis have been heavily invested in world markets for decades. This is no different.

  9. Mike…Come on man….Business Decision?? Let's just ignore Jamal Khashoggi's murder, bin Salman's actions and 9/11. Watch a documentary Mike. As Americans, we can can stand in judgement all day bro. I'm done with pro golf. DONE. This is ridiculous and now the Saudi's own pro golf. Don't preach to us. You get paid either way. Perhaps, it's time we find a way to get off all Saudi and middle east oil. I've been saying that for 20 years. Wake up America.

  10. Get off the “Where’s the money coming from”. The dp tour had the race to Dubai for years. The money is from the same place. Moral bs. Many companies are over there.

  11. Lets see if all moralist players (including Rory), who were pointing fingers at LIV and the Saudi's… will now still take the Saudi "blood money" (as they called it)… My money is on: "they will".

  12. I’d love to see Rory and the other pga-faithful defect, litigate, and start some other tour. I’m here for the drama now. We need justice for those who Jay Monehan abused.

  13. Jay Monahan must be fired! Rory Mcllory sided with the Saudi's too! He said that the Saudi's are, "one of the biggest sovereign wealth funds in the world." This is disgusting! Rory also said that "10 years down the line" the world will have forgotten about this. Never forget 9/11! A year ago, I wrote a letter to the PGA a year ago in support of them banning golfers who've betrayed our country to play for LIV golf. Now, the PGA supports genocide, LGBTQ hatred, and they've turned their backs on 9/11 survivors, and what does that say about our federal government that allows these kinds of mergers? It means what it's always meant. That money and power are more important than human life. This is a dark day in American history. It will get worse.

  14. Nice double speak. Comparing US owners of Europe teams to Saudi owners of US sports. The dumb people of America are going to just giving away their liberty and freedom in the long run, and I don't want to hear any complaining. You asked for it and you shall receive.

  15. Backlash from this may not even be Saudi itself as much as for the Tour and the way they handled this in such a shit way. The Tour took such a firm moral high ground stance and let their players put themselves out there to defend it all to make a deal when they could without even informing the players. I get the pragmatism and business sense to come to a deal in this but I also have a hard time seeing the Tour positively after they took the path of shaming everyone about the source of the money when they never had to go that route to try and shame or guilt players from making a jump. When you see that you really can’t listen to Monohan speak about why the deal makes sense, even though it easily does, because it’s so glaringly hypocritical from the stance they’ve had. I mean it’s hard to look much worse than aligning with 9/11 victims families to go after LIV to then hammer out a deal in secret and not even bother to speak to those people before announcing the deal. I think that is going to harm their forward moving business more than Saudi itself will but I guess we will see.

  16. Business deal…like I’m going to kill you but it’s nothing personal, it’s just business.

  17. Quick question: is there any difference in the investments in foreign sports teams by USA businesses the investments in US sports by the Saudi government?

  18. Always refreshing to get Mike Tirico's view on things. He raises a new perspective on things. I don't ever have to be a part of any gallery in any tournament, and that's my business decision.

  19. Prayers to the 9/11 families, whom the PGA have forgot about!
    Tirico's comments seems to ignore that!

  20. Golf was in great shape before all this nonsense. Nobody asked for this, black eye for the sport this won’t go away anytime soon.

  21. An excellent interview. A serious lot of sense spoken. It's business. It's not personal. Each will deal with their own morals. Time will tell.

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