Golf Players

How The PGA/LIV Merger Ruined Golf’s Future

The LIV/PGA Golf merger is going to ruin the future of golf… but it was all a part of one man’s plan.


  1. I'm not close to this, and have no real understanding of either company, or if either was better or worse for the fans. Personally, I don't care about the PGA players who skipped the money. It was a gamble either way. Stick with the origonal long standing monopoly holder, with understanding the odds of a safer career were likely yours, or get paid a boatload to go to a newer company, that could potentially tank your career. Video games have seen similar stories for a long time. Epic vs Steam, Google Stadia's exclusivity deals, console exclusivity. Sometimes a game going to Epic (firat, since it is a 1 year exclusivitybdeal, not a permanent one) made the difference between it coming out or getting cancelled. Sometimes it made all of a games hype die by the time it went to steam. Most games that decided to go to google stadia were royally screwed over by google, with it being shut down with no notice, after years of makijg a game that would never reach market.

    Complaining after the fact that their safer choice didn't turn out well is just dumb to me.

    Again, I could be WAY off and this, and would love of anyone can set me straight if i'm off the mark.

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