The golf swing is complex but every now and again there is a move that is discussed that rights a lot of wrongs. This video gives you exactly that. This is the easiest way to a perfect golf swing by utilising the trail forearm correctly. This secret trail forearm move in the down swing is used by all tour players and most elite amateur golfers. Having the control of the move is key to perfect your golf swing. This golf swing secret is truely mind blowing.

Steve’s Coaching at Peebles Golf Club:

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For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING is now being implemented in 52 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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  1. I'm amazed there's any secrets left I thought Tom saguto had found them all he must have missed that one .Will let him know all the secrets have been revealed

  2. Whenever there's debate about which arm should control the swing, the majority claim it's the front arm, which to me makes no sense or all right-handers should be playing left-handed & vice versa for left-handers. To me, it seems that the trail arm is the one creating the power by its extension from its bent position in the backswing just like a pitcher's arm throwing a ball. There's certainly no power coming from an arm that's straight before the throw is made. Obviously when chipping both arms should be straight because there's no need for power. This is why I prefer throwing the clubhead like a ball with the trail arm fully extended after impact along with the forward arm. I'm definitely with Hogan on this one.

  3. Another great swing thought Steve. Never heard anyone describe the right arm corelate to the swing plane this way. Scotland sure looks pleasant in the summer. Thanks.

  4. Great content. If we’re coming in on plane but hitting slightly fat, what would cause that?

  5. You are one of the best teachers on YouTube, I pass your channel on to friends all the time. You have great swing training thoughts. Thanks.

  6. This video clarifys alot, is your trail forearm is on plain then the club will automatically shallow wow can't wait to hit balls using this method thank u so much

  7. Love it, I need to simplify my thoughts in my overactive golf brain. I hope this allows me to quit thinking about my lead hip (each swing I try and get down to one thought, the trail forearm seems like a good one.)

  8. Steve your lessons always make me excited to get my clubs out and work on your latest brilliant technique!! Thanks!!

  9. Steve, it would be a tragedy if your channel went away. Have you considered doing some videos with other coaches/YouTubers to expand your audience? I think you and Andy (The Average Golfer) would be perfect together. He’s knocking on the door for 100K subscribers, too, so maybe it would benefit all around.

  10. Steve- doesn’t the plane change with each club since the lie angle changes with each club? A player can tell if he was on plane by looking at the mud line on the club face post impact. The mud line would be parallel to the grooves if the strike was on plane. I’ve never found a method to stay on plane other than making note of the shaft angle when the club is at address. On a happy note- I think you do a great job and wish you continued success.

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