Golf Players

Three Years Or Eight Years? | The Chris Johnston Show

On this episode of The Chris Johnston Show, Nick Taylor’s big day in the PGA (00:30), CJ meets (4:00), wildest sporting events (6:00), You Can Bet That w/ Sports Interaction (17:00), trade pieces this off-season (22:00), the Jets core (29:30), Auston Matthews & Shane Doan (38:00), the Cup is in the building (54:00) and much more!

Originally aired: June 12, 2023

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  1. If ur Matthews, I see no reason why he would take 8. Sure, you get more guaranteed money, but look at Kevin Durant. He took mostly short term deals, faced injuries, and still got max contracts because he’s just that good.

  2. The issue with the "NBA"-fication of the NHL is that the NHL has a hard cap. Highest cap % to win is 15.34%. On an 83.5 mill cap that's $12.8 mill. Even if the cap goes to 90 mill that's 13.8. Also, it was Crosby and Niedermayer that won at 15.34%. Crosby had Malkin and Letang still on their entry level deals, while Niedermayer had Getzlaf and Perry. So basically it doesn't work under normal circumstances and Matthews wants more than that. Whether he knows it or not, Matthews is going to be choosing money over winning or hoping the leafs are the biggest outlier champion since the cap was implemented.

  3. How can you say that austin is worth the highest pay in NHL
    He is way to soft in theplayoffs nowhere near to be a topplayer when it maters the most.
    He is already overpayed

  4. Question for Ask CJ/You Can Bet That: What are the odds for/against that Ovechkin does break Gretzky's point record eventually?
    Given his age and the possibility of injury and unforeseen circumstances I think a bet against might be a good one. Just sayin'.

  5. I believe Matthews will either sign a short term 3yr deal or be moved to the LA Kings. I doubt anything happens on July 1st, but the longer it goes the probability of him being moved to a team he wants to sign with increases

  6. If he wants to win a cup in Toronto its 8m for 8y.

    If he wants to bank in money its 11m for 3y…

    Simple as that…

  7. Chris is right. Julian deserves to be in those pop culture moments. Chris just kills the story when he ends it with “but I have no idea who that is” like wow, great story

  8. The problem with hockey is that it’s an entirely different amount of bodies you need than the NBA.

    You only need 5 players on one team with a few subs to play the whole game.

    Hockey you need 3-4lines of 3 people plus a goalie who’s there the entire game and oh a backup in case he gets injured. And don’t forget 2-3 pairs of defensemen. That’s a total of 3-4 NBA TEAMS…

    The importance of one man is less than the whole of the team. That’s why you can be a superstar in the NBA and demand whatever you want.

  9. Matthews is not signing. The guy is going to walk. He will not pass up the chance to get to free agency to see who the highest bidder is.

  10. Talk about being tone deaf toward the NHL fanbase. You think fans would welcome the “NBAification” of the NHL regarding contracts?

    Most fans want to identify with their team, where there’s at least some semblance of continuity of rosters from year to year. Mercenaries chasing money and switching teams every year? Good luck with that.

  11. He was absent when it counted in the playoffs. , so sign him for three years only , because he is still is a great shooter.

  12. Look out for Sabres next year … especially if they get a goalie. They could be the highest scoring team in the NHL, barring serious injury.

  13. Pasternak and McKinnon are loyal to their teams – Auston, Mitch are truly out for themselves. Don't trust these two. Nylander I trust implicitly based on his character.

  14. I would hope to see Matthews take less to win on a short term 3 year extension and then take max on his next deal but we all know it will never happen.

  15. No Chris, just because the Jets lost to a team that will probably win the cup does not make the loss better. There are no trophies for losing to the eventual champion. And the team failed to show-up in a must-win game. So that loss is still a bad loss. Vegas may not have Winnipeg's top-end talent, but they did everything better than the Jets, from depth scoring to team defense to being willing to suffer to win.

  16. I think you should be traded for every single pick they can get, and the rest of the core as well. Retain all salary. In my opinion none of the core except for Nylander has proven to be worth their contracts.

  17. A 72 foot putt is insane.

    Most people find it difficult to nail a 6 foot putt, me included. 72 feet is insane

  18. Matthews should learn from JT by playing out his existing Leaf contract before deciding he should leave or stay in Toronto. Leaf fans should be grateful to Matthews and wish him well if he wants to play in a different NHL city to end his career there.

  19. Mathews is in control!
    He wants $15M per year for a 3 year term.
    Mathews made $M's on endorsements that he cannot make anywhere else but Toronto.
    Kneis Doan Mathews, Zona buddies! … this helps a lot however, Mathews is in it for the $!
    The question is;
    … does he take less and a longer to keep the endorsements or
    … does he take $15M 3 yrs or both! or
    … if he takes the $15M 3 yrs does he risk not getting re-signed or or or
    I say the first two!
    I say Mathews can have his cake and eat it too!
    ONE of THE TOP FOUR has to go if Mathews takes the big money short term.
    Treliving is a pizza delivery boy.
    He mediocre at best!
    He does not have what it takes to make this and any big devisions however, Shane Doan does!
    I SAY Shane Doan and Haley Wickenheiser as President GM and Coach.
    … they can do it all better than anyone else anywhere.
    DEMOTE Treliving to a Leafs front office job!
    Good day

  20. AM34 is breaking the mold the NHL has made. Less years for more money. It a bet on yourself to not fall off. With his injury history it likely won't pay off.

  21. My family and I were at the Jays 7-6 comeback and then we watched Nick Taylor win at the hotel bar. It was electric for sure!

  22. Always with the Sabres slander from a team dumb enough to invest half of their cap in four players lmao

  23. If the cap goes up by 5M, that allows us to buy one more solid player and pay nylander 8.5M. Woop de do. Matthews should get 0 of that cap increase so we can have one more player. In no world should he be payed more than MacInnon. MacInnon also knew the cap would go up in a few years when he signed 8.

  24. couldnt care less, they dont know how to win together. more needs to be done, this isnt impressing anyone anymore. This franchise always does somthing wrong in some kind of way.

  25. The extending of these huge contracts means that the detrimental core four domination of the payroll will continue for the foreseeable future. ✔️

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