Golf Players

Chris Broussard & Rob Parker RIP “Hypocrite” PGA Commissioner For Merging with Saudi LIV Golf League

THE ODD COUPLE – Chris Broussard & Rob Parker rip PGA Commissioner Jay Monahan for merging with Saudi-owned LIV Golf League after disparaging the company and encouraging their stars not to join them.

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  1. In 2021, FedEx invested $450 Million in their Saudi business and 9 corporate sponsors of PGA tournaments do business with the Saudis. Everyone has their hand in the Saudi cookie jar. It's a sham from start to finish.

  2. Think about this. The PIF has $600 billion+ in assets, most of which is liquidity (i.e. cash). It will continue to grow because they have the world's "largest" supply of liquid gold (other African countries have more but I digress). When the Saudis saw the Qataris get the World Cup all bets were off. That's when their strategy of sports-washing went full bore. It's working because at the end of the day people want to be entertained.

    People have to understand sports-washing has been going on for decades. Hilter tried to do it in the '36 Olympic Games but Jesse Owens ruined that. The Thrilla in Manila and the Rumble in the Jungle were sports-washing events. Heck the Beijing Summer and Winter Olympics games were attempts by the Chinese regime to do it.

    What makes this instance of sports-washing different is you have a sports entity in the PGA painting itself as patriotic yet took the bag. That is the first time I can recall a sports organization/league openly criticizing a foreign country through its investments of sports-washing. You've had individuals do it but never an entire organization/league.

    It was incredibly hypocritical of Monahan to play the patriotic card. As a commissioner of a sports organization/league you would think he would be a businessman and knows whomever has the deeper pockets normally will win out in the long run. He should have kept his mouth shut or at least fight the battle a different way.

    When the U.S. courts ruled the Saudi Prince could be deposed that's when the bigger bank decided to take the little bank. The Prince instructed his people to cut Monahan a 9-figure check to make this go away. Monahan and his cohorts gladly accepted the payoff when the same U.S. courts didn't dismiss the anti-trust suit, meaning the PGA's books would have to be cracked open.

    Every man has a price. When it comes to money almost no man has morals.

    Oh and regarding the athletes, you know the ones who actually generate the revenue: there should never be any negative comment about an athlete holding out for more money or being criticized in-general for making the kind of money s/he makes. The ones at the top never have and never will give a damn about the athletes. They will sell themselves to the highest bidder quicker than a woman-of-the-night sells ass. It's ok for NBA owners to have investments in China but shame on the athletes for endorsing Chinese products. It's ok for multi-billion dollar corporations to have business dealings in Saudi Arabia but shame on the football players like Ronaldo and Karim Benzema for taking the bag (best believe Messi would have took the money too but he didn't want to deal with the responsibility and stress; he said as much during his interview). The ones in control hardly ever get criticized but the labor mostly do.

  3. The only thing worse than a hypocrite is an unrepentant hypocrite. That’s Jay Monahan.

  4. The pga promised support to Tiger and Rory for their stupid Simulator Golf League in exchange for their “loyalty”. They got duped. Rory, however, has Stockholm Syndrome because he’s still kissing Monahan’s butt today.

  5. Jay Monahan is worse than garbage. He is made of what comes out of a cockroach after it eats the garbage. He coerced pros not to go to LIV and then he took the bag🤣

  6. dear "BLM IS A VICTIM"!! take a break from the anti-arabism/islamism, don't think you're "scoring points" with kkk by going after the last of the real emancipators [islam; btw, where is malcolm x + mohammad ali days off, vs mlk day off?????]. PS as usual in global rapism/hypocracy-democracy, interesting seeing blm placed front and center of the typical "take the blame" game, not kkk!!! what goes around, comes around in life!! PALESTINE FOREVER!!!

  7. I don't know why people are surprised at this. It's business and most of all it's about money period.

  8. Looks like these golfers didn't do their research. They should have taken the check. We have been doing business with the Saudis for years. Now, the golfers will be taking a much smaller check from the Saudis via the PGA. Do what is best for you. Stop concerning yourself with others' opinions.

  9. Ain’t no way Tiger should’ve turned that down . Man could’ve made 800 mill to play and the PGA ends up anyway merging with them . Totally messed up, definition of hypocrisy

  10. It is funny, after Tiger's fall from grace and all that surrounded it, I lost respect for Tiger. Turning down $800 million? He already has his money and will always be held in high esteem by the golf world and to turn down that money… Good for Tiger. I think he absolutely wins in this. He could have taken it and it wouldn't have mattered but he didn't take it because of whatever was inside him. I honestly don't think he cares what other people think. I am telling ya, he is beyond reproach when it comes to golf and had nothing to lose by taking it but he didn't. I do feel bad for all the other golfers who were duped though. They still have a choice though… ban together and go out on your own. Stars make the sport and they can do what they want but they won't. In the end, they will just take the money too.

    But seriously, who the hell feels bad for Tiger in this? What reality are people living in? Do you really think Tiger NEEDS that money too? Seriously, come on. That sends the wrong message. It is like telling every man and woman out there to just sellout and morals be damned because everyone else is doing it. Nope.

    And what I think gets lost on all this is what the PGA initially said was TRUE. The fact that they are now going backwards on it doesn't change what the truth is. It just makes them a SELLOUT.

  11. The PGA players (Tiger and Rory) that were loyal to PGA just got messed over. Supposedly Tiger was offered 800 million, Rory offered millions too. The PGA players that went to LIV GOLF were criticized. GREED!!! is something else

  12. Look, he said at the time he was going with the info he had back then but now he has different info.

  13. Is this the same punk commish that took away two of Jack Nicklaus' majors just so they could make it appear that Tiger was closer to the Golden Bear than he actually is? If so, good riddance. Nicklaus the GOAT. And he still won TWENTY. MAJORS.

  14. I'll bet if the terrorist state of Israel had bought the PGA none of these players would be makin' a peep.

  15. Who owns your gas station ? 😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂 who sold them their gas station ? Just saying

  16. Chris Broussard, you say shame on all the people that shamed Phil Mickelson. Are you going to tell that to the 9-11 families too!! You say Phil Mickelson saw through the foolishness of the players that turned down the LIV money. Why the heck would you say that! You can disagree with their stance but I wouldn't call them foolish. They stood on their principles and didn't feel right about taking the money from the Saudi's. Just because you named some of the businesses doing business in Saudi and mentioned the fact that the U.S Govt sells arms to Saudi Arabia doesn't mean a PGA tour golfer must feel obligated to take the Saudi money. So all the people in the U.S who were outraged by this merger are all foolish in your eyes Chris Broussard! Right Chris! Everybody that disagrees with you on this matter is not foolish!

  17. This is the difference between Billionaires and Millionaires never mix Business and politics simple as that.

  18. We have officially forgotten about 9-11. Another country can fund an attack that kills thousands of Americans and it's all good as long as that country has a lot of money to throw around.

  19. How do you compensate the players that never took liv money? You don't. You took poor advice from the wrong people and now you have to live with it.

  20. To me the worst part about this whole thing is if you are a pro golfer but you don't want to be associated with the Saudi's/PGA what's your alternative? There is no other league on their level so you either cave or you quit golf. That is a hard pill to swallow. And now you have all the 9/11 foundations boycotting the PGA, who you work for. What a mess.

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