Golf Players

My 3rd Attempt at a Sub-3 Marathon | Grandma’s Marathon 2023

Grandma’s Marathon 2023 vlog and my 3rd attempt at a Sub-3 marathon.

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Sharing running, fitness, and plant-based nutrition tips to help you achieve your best self!


  1. Are you going to do a video breaking down how the race went? (I’m aiming for sub 3 in a marathon as well)

  2. Congrats on completing the race with a PR! Running a marathon with a camera was quite an achievement in and of itself. I think it took Kofuzi 5 attempts before he broke the 3 hour mark, and I am sure your time will come. Cheers!

  3. Thank you so so much for capturing how fun this race and atmosphere was, so we can rewatch and remember! I was the guy in blue running past yelling "sponge?! sponge?!" at 6:16. Congrats on the PR and way to smile through it all!

  4. I knew I’d find this video, as soon as I saw the GoPro running next at you at the halfway point, I knew you were legit lmao

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