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Did Taylor Walker expose ‘extraordinary’ Darcy Moore’s weakness? – Footy Classified | Footy on Nine

The Footy Classified panel reacts to Collingwood’s second narrow win over Adelaide for the year, as Kane Cornes suggests that while skipper Darcy Moore is in the frame for a second All-Australian blazer, he nonetheless has an area for improvement.

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  1. Moore is an intercepting defender, hence why we got billy Frampton to play the one on ones.

  2. This is so dumb 😂 as a pies fan yes Tex walker played well on him but Darcy Moore is a intercept defender and tex has him beat for size he will lose battles but tex is also leading in the Coleman 😂 can’t win them all but what happened against Carlton and basically everyone other team this year

  3. Macrae is an AMAZING Coach!…Makes me feel good about myself ,sitting on the couch drinking as many beers as possible 🍻💪🏽!

  4. Imagine having high footy intellect like Sam Mitchell, and then being asked to go on a footy panel with Sam maclure ? 😂

  5. Port Adelaide's percentage is not very good because it has had plenty of close games this year.
    McRae, his experienced assistants and the players learned a lot from the third quarter. Burying teams during the season means nothing during the finals.

  6. It’s ok to say we/Collingwood don’t destroy sides yet we have the highest percentage which means we don’t need to bcos we have one of the best defences

  7. Without pointing out the obvious inconsistent umpiring that effected the outcome of the game, if Adelaide tidy up their ball use just a bit and make better decisions under pressure, they are going to be a serious force in the near future. Look out if they play finals with another 10 games experience into the kids.

  8. WTF are these idiots talking about, look at who Collingwood have played maybe. The truly close games have come against top eight teams that played out of their skin to still loose or just beat the pies. As a cats fan am not looking forward to pies fans bang on about GF this year.

  9. McClure is a bigger nob head than Kane but not by much. Who cares if the pies haven’t put sides away they’ve 2 games.

  10. Mitchell was spot on. Moore is not just about defending but also what he creates on the rebound.

  11. Funny thing is the Pies still have the highest % in the league! Imagine if they 'put away' teams every week?

  12. Ya. I've been a Pies member for over 30 years and have nothing but respect for this Crows list. They are coming on and imho will be a tough out in the finals if they get there.

  13. Someone said this before, but the Pies are bringing out the best in teams. Even West coast played better than usual against them. Wish this wasn't the case though because I just want a comfortable pies game to watch for christ sake haha

  14. I’m loving the fact collingwood can’t put away average garbage sides. All it takes is 1 of those close results to go the other way in a final, & they choke yet again, just like last year 🤣

  15. Lol even in these 'highlights' for Collingwood there are terrible umpiring decisions that went against the crows…
    * Holding the ball dispite a 100% legal disposal via a kick
    * Holding during the marking contest and then an illegal take down on Pedler when he never had position of the ball (in similar fashion to what resulted in a double 50 and the winning goal to Collingwood)…

    Come on guys, you are paid to talk about football and what we are all seeing on the screen… How are fans ever going to expect consistency with how the game is umpired if you guys won't even call for accountability… This stuff is ruining our game 🤦

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