The driver myths I am shocked golfers are still getting wrong (golf swing explained)

The driver myths golfers are still getting wrong. Mark Crossfield golf professional, shows you how to not get caught out by these driver swing myths with some simple drills and tips.

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Welcome to the Mark Crossfield Golf Channel! If you’re looking for world-class golf instruction and honest equipment reviews, you’ve come to the right place.

Mark is the original professional golfer content creator with a passion for helping others improve their game. On this channel, you’ll find various videos featuring golf tips, advice, and drills to help you play better golf and reduce your handicap. From fixing your slice and hook to driving the golf ball longer and straighter and improving your ball striking, Mark has over 25 years of coaching expertise to help you become a better golfer.

In addition to instructional videos, you’ll also find equipment reviews to help you make informed decisions on the best gear for your game. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started in golf or an experienced player looking to take your game to the next level, Mark Crossfield Golf has something for you. Tune in and start your journey to better golf today!

Music by LabelGREY


  1. Because of your info on Hack it Out and here, I am now envisioning myself boxing out Shaquille O’Neal and keeping him from the club head. It gives me width and pushes my pressure back to the lead foot during my backswing. This would have felt like a reverse pivot to me previously, but it isn’t at all. It helps me turn, as a swayer.

  2. Hi if you watch Patrick Cantlay he moves weight from side to side on all shots. Never still. Which is what your saying great advice

  3. 40% left foot 60% right for a rhs.Because you should tilt a little to the right shifting centre of gravity.

  4. don't understand that driver shaft the colors are quite off putting. Looks like a candy cane or worse, what's so special about it.

  5. Hi Mark! Big fan of the content. I see a ton of your content lately has been focused on getting rid of the big slices. Can you put up a video on how to avoid the smothered hook? I assume its an upper body tilt/closing off issue, just don’t know any drills to prevent this.

  6. Mark you will smile when you hear this- but it's true ! When I watch golf instructors outline all the possible errors – I can start to include these bad moves into my swing 😢😅 ! Crazy.
    Cure is getting a few reasonable swings under my belt – then I'm back again – and will try to slowly incorporate a few good tweeks ! as per my memory of the tip I want to try !
    Maybe it would be a idea to do a few repeats of the proper final product to imprint that pattern on viewers !

  7. I feel my backswing is more consistent when I bump my hips slightly forward and put pressure on the inside of my rear foot and calf

  8. I am a high handicapper and only started trying to improve my game this year after spending a few years as an eternal beginner. Weight transfer during the swing is too confusing for me and I end up mucking it up. What works is getting a good basic setup and grip (and constantly revisiting them) and trying not to swing too hard. If I stick to that I get good distance. If I start getting fancy I end up in the trees or worse.

  9. Paused at 1:22 to comment. My driver setup is very balanced, left to right and balanced toe to heal. I like to feel very grounded.

  10. I’m pretty much 50/50 at set up with the driver. Maybe 60/40 towards the back leg

  11. Pressure should be on the front foot. Caused by the hips being pushed forward. This is only slight (60-40%)

  12. I always set up weight in center,or as close to center as I can. That way I can feel the weight transfer onto trail leg then shift to front leg.

  13. Senior golfer here playing the best golf of my life using the Manuel de la Torre swing. I stay centered and balanced. No weight shift on the back swing. Stay flat footed until contact. Allow rear foot to release as weight is shifted forward by centrifugal force of the forward swing. I score in the 70's and 80's. Key swing thought is stay balanced and centered, swing the club back with the hands and swing the club forward with the upper arms. Allow the body to respond to the swinging of the arms.

  14. Lately I've been focusing on setting weight on my front foot right at the point I start my takeaway. I'd say a good 60-70%. I do this so I can force myself to feel the loading onto trail foot during the backswing. This in turn helps me feel like I'm really dynamically loading the backfoot, which enables me to feel how I push off that back foot as I'm re-centering and moving the weight to front foot. I combine this with setting the club more closely to where I want impact, in terms of hand position and shaft angle. Overall the idea I'm going for is, "Start where you want to end up."

  15. I’m 60/40 trail side at address with driver. I find it easier to shift weight back to lead side before the end of my backswing

  16. The best advice I could give, which isn’t much but improved my handicap by 15 this year, is to grab a club and constantly swing it. Driver you don’t want hitting the ground. Irons you want to hit slightly in front. Get the feel, start slow. Go to the range twice a week. Then imagine you’re swing, ignore the ball.

  17. weight transfer is the start of the downswing. im currently experimenting with not accelerating until club head drops below my hips.

  18. We need another mark and coach match videos they’re just to hilarious you 2 together.

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